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- 1. Build a daily routine and stick to it
- 2. Choose the time of day you will take your supplements
- 3. Combine Your Supplement With Your Meals
- 4. Pick Your Personal Vitamin Supplement
- How do increase the effectiveness of taking dietary supplements?
Vitamins and minerals are our main helpers, which can help to strengthen the immune system, and are also important for improving the quality of life. This is especially noticeable in winter when the usual diet is significantly depleted in essential trace elements. Supplementation with vitamin and mineral supplements can close deficiencies and can have a beneficial effect on overall health and well-being.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to put your health first. Make it a rule to take care of yourself. The rule applies to sleep and rest, regular sports activities, healthy eating and taking vitamin supplements.
The latter is becoming more and more popular because they are effective in maintaining physical and mental health.
1. Build a daily routine and stick to it
Man is so arranged - he feels more comfortable in conditions of predictability.
Chaos and the lack of a daily routine reduce productivity, immerse me in a state of internal anxiety, a feeling that something was not done, and a conflict of personal interests.
No matter how boring the routine is, a person is controlled by his habits.
Only 5% of a person's thoughts are conscious. The remaining 95% are subconscious and formed habits.
Habit is a routine behaviour. But at some point, it is advisable to learn to get used to it consciously. Many things that you automatically do during the day entered your life at a certain moment, and only then “took root” and remained for a long time.
It is in your power to get rid of habits and add new, useful ones.
This works especially well with children. As adults, we understand how important it is to ensure the balance of nutrients in a child's diet. Often the initiative of the parent is perceived by the baby with hostility. Giving your child vitamin supplements regularly, for example at breakfast, we form a habit and eliminate protest.
Therefore, make an ideal daily routine, and develop the habit of living that way. Let what you do for your health become part of your morning/afternoon/evening rituals.
After a month, taking food supplements at a certain time of day will become part of the subconscious. However, it is important to remember that it is better to take the complexes under the supervision of a specialist and follow the recommended periods of admission. Let health care be habitual!
2. Choose the time of day you will take your supplements
Taking nutritional supplements at the same time each day is ideal, but not required. This approach will help develop a habit but has little to do with efficiency. If you suddenly forgot to drink vitamins at breakfast - do not be discouraged, there is still a whole day ahead!
Several vitamin complexes are best taken in the morning.
For example, in the best resveratrol supplement line, there is a bio-supplement for improving brain activity, which increases efficiency, fills you with energy for the whole day and stimulates brain function. In order not to forget to take supplements, set a reminder on your phone or use a special application for monitoring nutrition.
3. Combine Your Supplement With Your Meals
Any nutritional supplement is recommended to be taken with food. Why? There are several reasons for this:
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are best absorbed with fat. If you are on a diet, you can add almond oil to oatmeal to increase your fat intake, for example.
Magnesium and iron, present in many vitamin complexes for women and men, can be heavy on an empty stomach.
By taking supplements with food, you mimic the natural intake of nutrients in the body. In this way, you provide the perfect combination of trace elements and vitamins in the diet.
4. Pick Your Personal Vitamin Supplement
You can find out exactly how much of each vitamin you need by passing the analysis. Not all supplements are equally useful for everyone, you need to take into account:
- age,
- genetics
- health status
- the presence of chronic diseases
- Lifestyle
- diet
- blood test results.
Dosing on an individual formula is the best solution to get everything you need and nothing more. Medical specialists will help you choose the complexes you need for your organisms.
Therefore, consult with a specialist - a therapist, nutritionist, nutritionist. You will begin to see the benefits of a systematic mindfulness approach in 3-6 months:
- become more energetic and cheerful;
- you will start to sleep better;
- you will see an improvement in the condition of hair, nails, and skin;
- improve digestion;
- get rid of chronic stress, apathy.
In the future, the dosage can be adjusted.
How do increase the effectiveness of taking dietary supplements?
If you use individual vitamins or minerals, then you should pay attention to three aspects: the time of their intake, the competent selection of dosages, and the combination with each other. I cited ready-made dietary supplement complexes above, and now I will tell you about useful life hacks that will help make the course of these drugs even more effective.
By taking supplements at the right time of day, we can get the most out of them. I will give as an example a diagram in which additives that are relevant in the winter period are presented:
Morning: vitamin C, selenium, B vitamins, iron.
Day: zinc, coenzyme Q10, omega-3, vitamin D3.
Evening: vitamin K2, calcium.
At night (before going to bed): magnesium.
However, the percentage of active substance absorbed from dietary supplements, as well as from foods, depends largely on the source (bioactive supplement or food) and on the total amount of elemental active substance consumed at one time. It is almost impossible to get a sufficient amount of essential vitamins from vegetables and fruits in winter, as well as to understand at least an approximate dosage. At the same time, the body, weakened by constant viral attacks, a long recovery period and depleted after drug therapy, needs a course of vitamin and mineral preparations with sufficiently high or increased dosages relative to the recommended average dosage. To improve the absorption of useful trace elements from both food and bioactive supplements, it is worth conducting an additional course of prebiotics during the winter period. For those who have not escaped the problem of winter colds, and with it the forced use of antibiotics, prebiotic supplements are especially important. Without them, even using vitamins in shock dosages, you will not be able to see a special effect from them.