- What exactly is anxiety?
- What exactly is a panic attack?
- How to Fight with Anxiety and Panic Attack Like a Pro?
- Kratom for anxiety and Panic attack
- Conclusion
What exactly is anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal reaction to risk. The body's automatic fight-or-flight response becomes activated when you feel threatened, under pressure, or confronted with a complex scenario, such as a job interview, exam, or first date. Anxiety, in moderation, isn't always a bad thing. It can help you stay alert and focused, push you to take action, and inspire you to solve difficulties. When worry becomes constant or overwhelming—when worries and fears interfere with your relationships and daily life—you've certainly crossed the line into anxiety disorder territory.
Because anxiety disorders are some related illnesses rather than a single ailment, symptoms might vary from person to person. One person may experience intense anxiety episodes that come without notice, while another panic at the notion of mixing at a party. Someone else may suffer from a crippling fear of driving or uncontrollable, intrusive thoughts. Another person may be nervous all of the time, worried about anything and everything. Regardless of their many manifestations, all anxiety disorders cause acute fear or worry out of proportion to the situation at hand.
What exactly is a panic attack?
Panic episodes occur unexpectedly and are characterized by intense and frequently overpowering dread. They are accompanied by challenging bodily symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, or nausea.
Unexpected panic episodes occur for no apparent reason. External stresses, such as phobias, serve as cues for anticipated panic episodes. Panic attacks can strike anyone, but having more than one may indicate a panic disorder.
How to Fight with Anxiety and Panic Attack Like a Pro?
Kratom for anxiety and Panic attack
It hasn't been established scientifically that cheap kratom powder can aid with depression or panic attacks. However, many kratom users indicate that it has considerably aided them in their disease management. Kratom is comparable to opiates in that it binds to the same receptors in the brain. This may appear frightening, but it is not. The active ingredient in kratom is alkaloids, the most important of which are mitragynine and 7-mitragynine.
Some of the impacts of kratom are as follows:
- Improves mood
- Improves focus
- Improves sleep quality
- Feels energized
- Provides a soothing sensation
- It makes it easier to connect with others socially
- Get some rest
Insomnia is a typical anxiety symptom. Make sleep a priority by:
- sleeping only when weary
- avoid reading or watching television in bed;
- refrain from using your mobile, tablet, or computer in bed
- not tossing and turning in bed if you can't sleep; get up and move to another room until you fell asleep
- avoiding caffeine, heavy meals, and nicotine before going to bed;
- keeping your room dark and cold;
- writing down your anxieties before bed; and
- sleeping and waking up at the same time every night
- Take a break from coffee
You might feel better after a cup of coffee, chocolate, or an ice-cold Coke. If caffeine is your go-to drug, your anxiety may worsen.
Caffeine stimulates the neurological system, which can increase energy levels. However, when under stress, this nervous energy might cause an anxiety attack. The prospect of giving up your favorite caffeinated beverage may raise your heart rate and cause anxiety as you read this, but you don't have to stop cold turkey or give up caffeine. It all comes down to moderation.
Instead of four cups of coffee each day, limit yourself to one or two average-sized cups per day – usual as in 8 ounces, not 16 or 32 ounces. Give it a shot, and let us know how you like it. As you wean yourself off caffeine, gradually include alternative beverages into your diets, such as decaffeinated herbal tea, which can help you relax your mind and nerves.
- Employ relaxing muscle techniques.
Anxiety causes muscle tension, and muscle relaxation exercises can assist reduce tension and improving relaxation during an episode. Progressive muscle relaxation tries to relax the entire body by releasing tension in one group of muscles at a time.
Muscle relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, can help to halt a panic attack by managing your body's response to the greatest extent feasible.
If you go to muscle relaxation therapy, your therapist may guide you through the following steps:
- First, you will learn how to tense the muscles before releasing the tension, and
- Then you will learn how to relax the muscles without first tensing them.
- You might also learn how to relax specific muscle groups, such as those in the shoulders, for usage in everyday settings.
- Finally, you can learn how to practice fast relaxation, which involves identifying regions of tension and releasing them as needed.
To begin relaxing your muscles at home, intentionally relax one muscle at a time, beginning with something as essential as your fingers in your palm and working your way up through your body.
- Don't skip meals
If worry makes you feel sick, the concept of consuming food is as tempting as the prospect of eating dirt. However, missing meals can exacerbate anxiety. When you don't eat, your blood sugar lowers, causing the stress hormone cortisol to be released. Cortisol will help you perform better under stress, but it can also make you feel worse if you are already anxious.
The fact that you need to eat does not justify putting anything in your mouth, so don't use this as an excuse to binge on sweets and junk food. Although sugar does not induce anxiety, a sugar high can cause physical signs of worry such as anxiousness and shivering. And if you start obsessing over a sugar reaction, you can suffer a panic attack.
Many people have panic episodes, in which they feel scared and out of control of a situation for no apparent reason. It might be terrifying to feel out of breath or as if you are experiencing a heart attack.
Panic attacks can happen abruptly and significantly influence your day-to-day life, but there are strategies to deal with them. Treatment is also available for anxiety disorders and panic attacks, which may be a symptom of a more severe problem.
Consult your doctor if you are concerned about panic attacks. They can assist you in developing a proper approach for managing symptoms and minimizing their impact. Medication, such as antidepressants, may be used in conjunction with counseling.