- Natural Treatment of Acne:
- The medication to be administered for Acne is as follows:
- Acne of Menstruation
- Blackheads (Comedones)
- Treatment for blackheads
- Boils
- The Best Treatment for Boil
The cause of acne is not known, but there seems to be a strong hereditary tendency. Acne appears during the adolescent period and leaves in the twenties. For some, it is a serious problem, not only medical but also psychology. Gical, disturbing even the personality. Sometimes these pimples are very deep and leave scars somewhat like those of smallpox, Along with acne, there are generally a number of comedones (blackheads).
Natural Treatment of Acne:
Diet is a significant factor in treating acne. One troubled with this complaint should avoid sweets and fats. READ more.
- Fried foods, rich desserts, and gravies are especially harmful. Chocolate is one of the worst offenders. Proper and frequent washing is also important. Wash the face thoroughly every morning and evening with a soap containing hexachlorophene.
- This will remain on the face for hours and destroy bacteria that try to enter the pores. In washing the face it is best to use cotton-wool (unspun cotton). Besides being soft it tends to prevent the spread of any infection that may be in the skin.
- Do not rub hard but work up a good lather. Do not rinse off the skin. Rather dry the soap off with a towel.
- Drainage of pustules is another part of the treatment for acne. when one of the pimples develops a "head," wash it and the area around it carefully.
- Sterilize a needle by holding it in the flame of a candle or match. Puncture the outer layer of skin and gently express the pus.
- Do not try to get the pus out of the deep red ones. There is usually none there anyway, and there is a tendency to squeeze the skin too hard.
- If too much pressure is put on the skin one may break a pustule under the skin and spread the infection.
- Sunshine and exercise are vital. It is well to exercise in the sunshine. Exercise causes the blood to flow freely and helps to build up the general resistance. The sun on the skin destroys bacteria, and a little perspiration washes out the pores.
Regular elimination is to be carefully maintained. Be sure that the bowels move daily. If one becomes constipated, acne becomes worse. Plenty of fruit and vegetables in the diet will ensure adequate movements.
The medication to be administered for Acne is as follows:
Sometimes antibiotics are helpful but since the condition lasts for years, the use of these miracle drugs must be limited to the time when the acne condition has become especially troublesome.
One can take sulpha drugs or the so-called "mycin"drugs, but while they should be taken four times a day at first, the final dose should be reduced to a minimum. This treatment is not too well recommended. The most promising medication now is the use of one of the tablets used to control diabetes.
One tablet a day will reduce the blood sugar, and whereas eating sugar will increase the blood sugar and make the condition worse, this medicine reduces the blood sugar and improves the condition.
These drugs are called tolbutamide or diabetes. One tablet daily is all that is used, but the. Results are promising.
Acne of Menstruation
Some young ladies have trouble with the skin breaking out at the time of the menses. Tolbutamide may be of help at this time and would be worth trying. Thyroid tablets also will often help this condition, and if there are other factors that need regulation the use of this medication is justified.
Blackheads (Comedones)
Blackhead is an abnormality of the skin in which the sebaceous or oil glands become dilated and filled with cheesy, dry, oily material called sebum. At the surface of the skin, they become black, giving the lesion its name. People having oily skin are more likely to be troubled with this problem.
Treatment for blackheads
The treatment for blackheads is first to steam the face. This will open the pores and soften the skin. The sebum can then be expressed, care being taken not to injure the skin by squeezing too hard. Lotia alba is useful in drying up the oil glands and shrinking the pores. It is applied to the affected areas at night and washed off in the morning. It will dry the skin and should be used often enough to make the skin definitely dry.
Boils differ from pimples in that they are in the deep layers of the true skin. Pimples are superficial. The organisms that cause boils are called staphylococci. These organisms reach the deeper layers of the skin by following down a hair follicle.
As the infection develops the skin reacts by building a protective wall around the point of inflammation. This is called a pyogenic membrane and prevents the spread of the infection to adjacent areas of the skin.
Early in the process, the infection may be aborted by antibiotics. Later the infection may develop to the place where the tissue within the membrane is so badly injured that it breaks down to form pus. To open a boil before this takes place does more harm than good.
The Best Treatment for Boil
The best treatment is to apply hot fomentations until the boil comes to a"head. " If there is a white pustule at the top, clean the area around it with soap and water and puncture it with a flamed needle. Do not worry about how much it drains. Avoid squeezing it. If there is only scant drainage, continue the hot compress and put on a sulpha dressing.