Author: Ayomide Chipenwrites

Ayomide is a fiction and non-fiction writer. A lover of science and everything mysterious that surrounds it, he seeks out new information to keep his interest alive.

Weavon And Their Prices

Women heavily depend on wigs and hair extensions; they rarely complain about weavon and their prices, as long as the product they purchase satisfy their need. The use of hair extensions was not this common, it used to be for the bold and daring. However, anyone – male and female – now use hair extensions and wigs of different kinds. Weavon and their prices differ depending on the brand, type, or classification of the weave or hair extension. Usually, the most expensive types of weavon is the human hair, and the most affordable is the synthetic hair extension. Although they…

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Doctors' Salary In Nigeria

One of the reasons there is abundance in the population of medical students in Nigerian universities is because of the attractive doctors’ salary in Nigeria. Although the medical profession is one of high prestige, it is not as lucrative and financially rewarding as it used to be; however, it is still one of the best paying professions in Nigeria. Doctors’ salary in Nigeria vary, depending on the level of experience of the doctors, the hospitals they work – federal, state, or private hospitals – and the structure that determines the salary they get – CONMESS for medical doctors that work…

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Have A Smooth Face In Nigeria

With many Nigerians showing little concern about the health of their skin, there are a few that are concerned about how to have a smooth face in Nigeria. Many people may think these people have to be celebrities who have the public’s attention on their appearance, but it will surprise you to know that regular people also want to have smooth faces here in Nigeria. The stress in the major cities of Nigeria make it almost impossible to achieve that smooth face you are looking for but with the right nutrition and skin care routine, you can have skin that…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Every month, women around the world have that time they sometimes wish would go easier for them, prompting them to ponder on ideas like; does scent leaf and menstruation have a relationship? This probably started when some women noticed certain changes in their monthly flow, and the one thing they’ve done differently is to use scent leaf. Scent leaf has many health benefits, ranging from improving vision, to lowering blood sugar level, aiding digestion, repelling insects and mosquitoes, and soothing inflamed tissues, among others. It contains phytochemicals that help it exert these medicinal properties and make symptoms easier to bear.…

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Hausa Medicine For Manpower

Men’s quest for satisfying women in bed, and making them feel good about themselves accounts for the huge sum being spent on a daily basis on Hausa medicine manpower, in other words, aphrodisiacs of Hausa origin. One might wonder, why the preference for manpower from the north? It boils down to the use of herbal aphrodisiacs by the northern men, which helps them “fire down” when they’re with their women. They usually have numerous wives, and you will hardly hear the wives complain of being sexually unsatisfied. Hausa medicine for manpower refers to the aphrodisiacs locally made and used in…

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Yoni Pearls Cure Staphylococcus

Many false assumptions and notions abound today, especially due to the presence of social media, and one of them is that yoni pearls cure staphylococcus. In an attempt, by most women, to improve the state of the vagina and the greed of many marketers, the latter encourage women to use yoni pearls, while the former buy them. Yoni pearls are herbs wrapped in clothes and meant to be inserted in the vagina to help detox the vagina and uterus by pulling the bad bacteria out of the uterus and vagina. There are also claims that it helps to cure some…

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States With The Highest Hiv Rate In Nigeria

It may surprise you to find out that your state of origin or state of residence is among the states with the highest HIV rate in Nigeria. Although most people don’t know, Nigeria has the second highest HIV infected population in the world, and the people affected cut across the different spheres of life in the country. The rate of HIV infection is usually attributed to immoral lifestyle, especially among the youths. While this is not always the case, although it contributes, many people get infected with the virus while maintaining their high moral standards. Some people get infected with…

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Peanut Water For Tightening The Vagina

Common practice among some women is the use of peanut water for tightening the vagina, usually to help increase the sexual pleasure they derive during copulation or help their male sex partners feel their vaginal grip more. While this may seem harmless since peanut is a consumable, we cannot be sure of its safety, neither can we certify that it is effective. Tightening the vagina is usually necessary when the muscular floor of the pelvis has become loose. This mostly happens after childbirth but happens to different extent in different women. The pelvic floor muscles give the vagina strong grip…

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Ewe Epin - Sandpaper Leaf

Ewe epin is a common leaf gotten from a shrub in bushes. These leaves are commonly used to wash soot and carbon dust stains from the back of kitchen wares due to their characteristic rough surface. Usually, almost every child who was raised before the 2000s has been sent to fetch this leaf. Apart from this, it has health-related uses, such as removing the crusty surface of some skin infections. Sandpaper leaf, commonly called ewe epin, is a deciduous leaf that is gotten from the forest sandpaper plant. It commonly grows in the tropics and can grow as tall as…

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Karkashi Leaves

Karkashi leaves are common in different parts of Nigeria. In the south west, it is called ewe atura; in the middle belt region, especially among the Tivs and Idoma, it is called Beni. However, the common name is Beni-seed leaves. The name Karkashi leaves is what it is called among the Hausas. Its popularity can be attributed to the numerous nutritional benefits attached to its consumption and the health benefits derived from constantly consuming the leaves. Reports suggesting that it has antifungal properties and aids digestion may contribute to why people often eat it. Apart from the benefits derived from…

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