Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Let's get one thing clear straight away: Mini skirts will NEVER be out of style. 'Why?' You ask. Well, because women fought so hard for us to be able to wear them - that's why. When mini skirts first took over the fashion scene in the 50s and 60s there were thousands of voices calling for women to stop wearing them. Hysteria spread about the end of traditional values and modesty (as though somehow seeing more of a woman's legs would bring about the end of society as we knew it). Thankfully, women didn't listen to these wild claims,…

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Everyone experiences digestion issues at one time or another. Eating the wrong thing or eating and drinking too much can result in bloating, constipation, discomfort, diarrhea, excess gas, or even nausea. Feeling this way can also indicate that the body has a buildup of toxins that are causing issues. If you have stomach problems and are feeling low in energy, it may be time to try Mega Clean. This detox drink helps to quickly rid the body of toxins and heal the gut. What is Detoxify's Mega Clean? Mega Clean is an herbal cleanse that is beneficial when there…

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Occasional but acute neck and back pain can come in the way of leading a healthy lifestyle. Imagine that you're scheduled for a party on one Friday night with your office colleagues but have to skip the event due to some unforeseen pain in your neck. Sure, you'd regret not attending the party, but when that happens too often, friends or colleagues can choose to give up on inviting you, presuming your absence. It hurts to miss out on all the fun stuff for some unannounced ailment. The reasons behind the pain and discomfort can vary, but in most cases,…

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Due to the current pandemic, our healthcare system and services went under huge pressure to provide the best possible relief to the population. The increased risk of contracting the virus and harsh working conditions left many healthcare professionals thinking, “can we do it?” or “should we keep doing it?” but we know the answers to these questions. Because of the heroic roles played by these healthcare professionals, the world was able to fight back. From doctors to nurses to medical officers, each healthcare professional performed their care and medical services with remarkable competencies. Among several duties and responsibilities of healthcare…

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Medical marijuana is now allowed in other states and countries since study shows that they can aid in treating symptoms of chronic illnesses such as extreme pain, skin problems and mental issues. Getting a medical marijuana certificate requires recommendations from a doctor and proof of your medical condition is needed. Once you are able to get a medical marijuana certificate , the next question will be where to renew your medical marijuana certification. Here are some tips on how to renew it. There are two ways in renewing your medical marijuana certification : Steps in Renewing Marijuana Medical Card Online…

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Some years back, yoga was only known to have physical benefits. The mental effects were given little to no attention. However, yoga does not only exercise your physical body, but it also has a distinct mind and body connection, and that's why it's often referred to as a mindful practice. The mere act of yoga embodies both your body, your thoughts, your spirit, and your emotions. So not only does yoga provide physical benefits, it has positive mental and spiritual repercussions as well. In this post, we will focus on the mental benefits of yoga. But before that, understand…

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Teeth whitening is one of the most desired treatments to get a bright and radiant smile. Many DIY products claim to whiten and brighten your teeth. However, there exist many myths regarding teeth whitening that need to be cleared before opting for the procedure. This post attempts to bring out the facts that dentist in Blackburn would want you to know before opting for teeth whitening. What Makes Your Teeth Turn Yellow? Below the enamel lies the yellow core called dentin; over time, the enamel wears due to acidic foods, grinding of teeth, scuffs, and aging. As a result,…

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Establishing a dental office is a big investment. You have to take into account several expenses such as constructing a dental facility or leasing property for your dental practice. When it comes time to invest in dental equipment, the cost of buying new can be overwhelming too. Dental offices may turn to finance companies that offer loans and advances on medical instruments and other dental supplies. Financing companies can assist dentists to make a good start and grow their staggering practice successfully. Financing companies can help you by providing finance for dental office marketing, construction loans, or even a dental practice…

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Out-of-control stress levels are a problem for countless individuals. Between working, maintaining relationships and tending to family obligations, many people regularly contend with copious amounts of stress. Unsurprisingly, consistently high levels of stress can take a tremendous toll on both your physical health and psychological well-being. As such, if the stress in your life has become seemingly insurmountable, there’s no time like the present to start thinking about stress reduction. Fortunately, managing stress and maintaining a relaxed mindset is much easier than you may think – it’s simply a matter of taking that vital first step. So, if you’re ready…

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You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who makes it through life without replacing at least one tooth. The reality is that losing teeth is much more common than people realize — from accidents to ageing to having poor oral hygiene. Are you wondering how to replace your missing smile? Fortunately, since losing teeth is such a common practice, so is replacing them. Here’s a list of the best dental care options for replacing teeth. The Negative Impact of Having Missing Teeth First things first — it's important to understand the impact of missing teeth on your physical and emotional health.…

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