Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Opioids have been a problem in America for a long time, but has been gravely exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic that has shaken the world. Addicts are even more inclined to abuse opioids to escape the harsh reality of 2020, but the strain on the economy and danger of infection when going outside to re-up makes it more dangerous. The result is an observed increase in drug abuse, overdoses, relapses, and an unimaginable effect on unreported withdrawal symptoms and the effect that has had on domestic relationships. Unable to go out and see their support groups, former addicts have become…

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6 Ways In Which Depression Differs In Men And Women

Depression is a Mental Illness faced by many people today. The core set of symptoms, including poor mood, insufficient motivation, loss of pleasure in hobbies, appetite changes, sleep disturbances, feelings of fault, and difficulty of concentration, are characteristic of depression. Many individuals with depression suffer at least some of these characteristic signs, but they do not necessarily have common symptoms to others. Studies have found that different variables converge to decide what someone thinks and appears during their depression illness. Between these considerations are human age and gender identity. Men and women have long been known to undergo depression in…

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In a country like the USA, where obesity has become quite a problem, fat burners are no less than magic pills. The popularity of these dietary supplements is such that people are ready to buy the same in bundles, or stocks! Well, this also means that many manufacturers might sell unauthentic supplements that can risk the health of consumers. Thus, it is important to learn about the quality, reliability and safety of the products. Many experts believe that it is absolutely safe to consume fat burners supplements, based on a number of studies. Nonetheless, we believe that one should do…

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Poop may be a gross topic that no one likes to talk about. But if your breath smells like poop, you may not have anyone to talk to anyway. Today, I will be discussing my eighth small bite in my series about bad breath, its causes and what you can do about it. My topic today is one that is not easily discussed. But I will put on my big girl pants and discuss the potential things that make your breath smell like poop. Breath Smells Like Poop Remedies and Your G.I. Tract First of all, let's remember that the…

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Healthcare marketing and its strategies are very different from marketing in other industries. Customers and consumers of most of the other industries are usually ready to sacrifice some standard of quality in order to get the required products and services at an affordable price. On the contrary, when it comes to healthcare, people are willing to go out of their way to spend extra bucks for better quality and service even if that may mean travelling to far off places or taking a loan from the bank. Hence, the tips, tricks, and tactics that usually work pretty well in digital…

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Getting Braces Soon? Here'S A Guide On Different Kind Of Braces

Are you thinking of getting braces quickly? If yes, then you are surely getting ahead towards better oral health, and of course, a more beautiful smile. Opting for braces seems to be a big deal, but once you get familiar with it, it becomes more straightforward than you might think. The procedure of getting braces has become increasingly common nowadays. People are often more concerned about their appearance, which reflects through their smiles. Hence, increasing the number of adults using braces in the USA and Canada to a soaring million. If you're willing to get your braces on, check…

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A healthy mouth is an essential part that contributes to your overall health. Taking care of your oral health can help prevent several other diseases. Research has suggested that your teeth and gums can be a signal of your general overall health and help to fade potential problems. Dental problems such as cavities or gum diseases can diminish your ability to eat and speak correctly, causing pain and bad breath. Many people may not understand that poor oral health can negatively impact areas outside the mouth, including heart, diabetes, pregnancy, and chronic inflammation. You can manage your dental hygiene by…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Orthodontics is one of the departments in dentistry involving the treatment and irregularities of teeth. It involves serial extraction (which is the removal of teeth because of the correction to be done not because of pain. The dentist specifically trained for this purpose is called orthodontics. also, have specialized training in facial abnormalities and disorders of the jaw. Here is the list of Orthodontic instruments Separator placing pliers Johnsons contouring pliers Nylon band seater Mershon band pusher Posterior band remover Bracket holder Weingart Pliers Ligature tucker/ligature director Mosquito artery forceps – straight Mathieu ligature pliers Coon’s ligature pliers Distal end…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

One of the most enticing things about intermittent fasting is that you don’t have to restrict what you eat in your eating window. If you really want, you can have all the sweets and refined carbs your heart desires, and you’ll still reap the benefits from your fasting window. But if that sounds too good to be true, you may be on to something. Intermittent fasting has so many health benefits, and it seems a shame to lose the momentum you worked so hard for during your fast. So if you want to take your intermittent fasting plan to a…

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Depression is a word that is thrown around very easily these days, but in reality, most people don't understand what depression is. Life is a combination of moments, some are happy, and some are not. We all go through tough times that take an emotional toll on us, but sadness and depression are very different things. Depression is much worse than simple sadness or a bad mood. It is a complete inability to feel happiness. Self-hatred, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, and loss of interest in everything are staples of depression. In fact, in severe cases, depression can also lead to…

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