Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Eye Exam Fort Myers

Prioritizing your eye health is essential as your eyes are two of the most important organs of your body. Due to the fact that they deteriorate as you age, you must take care of them to prevent the development of vision problems and eye disorders. In order to keep track of your eye health, the right thing for you to do is to go for regular check-ups and examinations. If you’re living around Fort Myers in Florida, there are various eye clinics here that offer quality eye services from licensed experts. You may visit this site to get to know…

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Allis forceps or Allis Tissue Forceps are hinged, handheld medical instruments used to grasp or hold objects or tissue. Using the principle of levers, forceps can seize an object and apply pressure. Allis forceps also are known as allis clamp have inward-curving blades and a ratcheted handle. This design makes it ideal to grab fascia and tendons. What is Fascia? Fascia is a connective tissue layer or band, or fibrous tissue, surrounding the skin, blood vessels, muscles, bones, and nerves. Maintaining structure, providing support and serving as a shock absorber is an unbroken web. Also, the fascia is the second line of…

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Different Kinds Of Cough And How To Remedy Them

For a lot of people, a cough is generally not a severe health issue. This is mainly due to the fact that it's often associated with a common cold. With a bit of rest, a healthier diet, and over-the-counter medication, it goes away in a week or so. However, medical professionals say that a cough should always be a serious concern. It is an indication that your body has irritants or some kind of infection which, if not taken care of immediately, can lead to complications and greater physical suffering. And when it comes to remedying a cough, the first…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Your vision helps you interact with the environment around you, so it is essential to keep them healthy. Although people know the importance of their eyes, they may not realize just by how much. It’s been said that 80% of impressions happen with the eyes. Neglecting your eyes can cause you to have a lot of expenses that will be used on eye care and eye health. Billions of dollars are spent each year by the US government on vision problems, which amount to $139 billion. Sub-par eye health not only affects people’s pockets; it also affects their quality of…

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A Deaver retractor is a surgical instrument used in thoracic and abdominal surgery for holding back muscle, tissue, and bone. It allows the surgeon to be able to reach the underlying organs. It is a thin, flat instrument with curved ends. The curved ends of the retractor are placed at the edges of the incision and held there by hand or clamped into place. Uses of Deaver retractor The Deaver retractor can be used to hold organs away from the surgical site inside the abdominal cavity or to move the heart or lungs gently in the surgeon's direction. History The…

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Sponge Forceps

Sponge forceps or sponge holding forceps, also known as Foerster Sponge Forceps, are used by doctors to pick up cotton swab or sponges during surgical procedures. The forceps is designed in a scissor shape, with ratcheted handles and looped, smooth or serrated jaws. A sponge forceps may be curved or straight based on its specific purpose. Sponge holding forceps typically have a length of seven to nine inches (approximately 18 to 23 centimeters). Normally, the jaws themselves are rounded. For delicate operations, elongated tips can be included. Medical sponge holding forceps enable minor surgery without excessive trauma or damage to be…

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Gigli Saws And Their Uses

A Gigli saw is a simple medical instrument that physicians have been using for quite some time. Doctors use it to cut through bone. The saw is composed of wire, two handles and a blade. A gigli saw blade has small, chain-style pieces that enable easy cutting when the doctor moves the handles. As the wire moves, the blade cuts through the bone easily. The design of the saw makes it useful for detailed surgical work. Although new technology has invented new types of saw that made the medical instruments old, doctors still find the gigli saws useful. Uses of…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

In my clinic individual patients always ask: How much does Root Canal Treatment Cost in Nigeria? What is the average cost of root canal treatment in Nigeria? Before I answer your question let's take a look at the benefits of getting a root canal treatment. Damaged teeth: Claim 3 brilliant benefits of root canal When you have an unlucky tooth that seems to be severely damaged, doctors often advise you to get a root canal. True, a filling is also an option; however, the results from it aren’t lifelong, and you have to revisit the dentist many times to get…

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A mouth gag is a type of medical equipment used to open the mouth widely or to prevent the person wearing the gags from talking. The gags as different designs and are usually made up of stainless steel or rubber balls. Mouth gags are used in oral surgery to open the patient mouth widely during any dental procedures. A mouth gag may also be used in adult erotic play. Types of gag Whitehead gag Jennings gag How does a mouth gag work? A mouth gag helps the patient to open his or her mouth if he or she has been…

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A laryngoscope is a diagnostic medical instrument used by physicians and doctors alike, to view the patient's pharynx and larynx. The pharynx is the region located behind the nose and mouth, and the larynx is also called the voice box.   How is laryngoscopy done? A laryngoscope instrument is made specifically to fit properly into the patient airway and allow the doctor to perform a treatment called orotracheal intubation, in which a tube is inserted into the trachea or wind pipe through the mouth, to provide oxygen and medicine and to allow deep suction. What are the Two-part and Sizes of…

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