Dental care is one of the most essential things to maintain good personal hygiene. It can affect your overall health and wellbeing. Hence, it is a lifelong commitment that you and your dentist should work out together. A dentist is not like a normal doctor who you visit only when needed. A relationship with a dentist is much more personal, and on top of providing state of the art treatment facilities, he should also be providing you with the necessary comfort and relief so that you don’t feel nervous when paying a visit to him. When choosing a dentist, you…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
Health is the greatest gift, and everyone is the author of their own health and disease. For every individual, it’s important to take care of their mind and body to live a healthy and joyful life. However, for older people, keeping tabs on their health can be a challenging task. The common cold or flu can lead to complications. Therefore, you must ensure that the healthcare needs of your parents or elderly family members are met. In this article, we’ve mentioned a few effective ways you can assure the healthy lifestyle of your parents or grandparents. To learn about them,…
Babies are ultra-sensitive, and that’s why they are required to be handled with unadulterated love and care. Probably, that's why every new mother thinks about opting for the best baby products for her little bundle of joy. Be it the talcum powder, body lotion or diapers or even clothes, there is an endless number of options available in the market, promising themselves to be the safest of all. But are these baby products really safe for your infant? This concern has transformed into a major worry after witnessing the much-talked-about Johnson & Johnson baby talcum powder lawsuit. It’s alleged that the J&J…
If you spend a lot of time on the computer, the higher are the chances that you will experience neck pain at some point in life. People who work on their laptop for the entire week often complain of pain in their muscles and fingers. One of the most notorious kinds of pain is neck pain. If you don’t know, the trapezius is that part of the body that is most vulnerable to getting affected if you’re not sitting in the right position. This is the muscle that extends from the back of the neck and pairs with shoulders and…
The application of telecommunications and computers for the storage, transmission, and retrieval of data is known as information technology (IT). One of the uses of the same tech is for storage, recovery, and manipulation data from the medical science field. It is referred to as Health Information Technology (HIT). Although HIT is not a new concept, in the last decade, countless interconnected tools, including computers, existing medical databases, and data from NGS analysis software, have evolved to enhance every healthcare database. As a result, the pace of development of new tech, and the improvement of existing healthcare tools is incredible.…
In recent years, Dubai has emerged as one of the leading ex-pat destinations in the world, providing numerous opportunities for professionals seeking greener pastures. To date, foreign nationals outnumber Emiratis by about 90 per cent. With this trend, it does not come as a surprise that Dubai's laws and regulations have been revamped to make quality healthcare more accessible to its residents. One area where this is reflected is in its hospitals. In fact, life expectancy in Dubai is on par with (or even better than) that of some Western countries. Furthermore, its hospitals keep abreast with the latest healthcare…
Residents of Coeur d'Alene can benefit from attending counselling sessions. There is nothing wrong with seeing a counsellor and having someone to talk to. There is often such a stigma on mental health and the toll it can take on people. If you live in the Coeur d'Alene area, think about regularly meeting with a counsellor. Not only would you have someone to open up to, but you would also reap many other benefits when attending these sessions. Learn to Communicate a Lot Better with Others Counselling is good for people because it helps them improve their communication skills. Over…
Not long ago, addiction was seen as a fault in one’s personality rather than an illness. Today, doctors are widely starting to accept the fact that addiction and brain diseases go hand in hand, and the condition is being termed as “Substance Use Disorder”. In the 1900s, doctors used to believe that addiction was just a problem for people with low willpower. As it wasn’t seen as a disease, there used to be no rehabilitation centers or 12-step programs to treat people suffering from an addiction. Instead of providing treatment centers, they were either imprisoned or institutionalized and termed as…
According to the Map of Digestive Orders and Diseases, millions of children across the globe suffer from digestive or gastrointestinal issues. This is due to a myriad of variables. Some of the most common reasons behind such health issues are economic status, parental absenteeism, and low parental sensibility. Suffice it to say, such health woes bring great physical suffering to young children. Unfortunately, though, pain is not the only negative impact of having digestive issues. With young children, this can lead to an aversion to food and the act of eating itself. Additionally, frequently suffering from digestive problems could mean…
Reincarnation is the philosophical thought that the spirit or soul, after natural demise, begins another life in another body. It might be human, creature or otherworldly relying upon the ethical nature of the past life's activities. This regulation is a focal precept of the Indian religions. It is likewise a typical conviction of various ancient and present-day religions. If this is to be taken as valid, there is an untold measure of information an individual could have, if only she could remember what occurred in the year’s past. All in all, is there such an incredible concept as rebirth? There…