Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Choosing Your Options- Adjustable Or Fixed Dumbbells

The main issue when setting up your home gym arises when you are all set to purchase the gym equipment. There is no fixed solution to this query as the choices you face are numerous. The right decision can be made by deciding which equipment is best for your body type. Your ultimate aim is to workout effectively and consistently.  One of the most chosen home gym equipment would be a pair of dumbbells. The attraction is that you can achieve effective results with less expenditure, minimal space requirements, and less time consumption.  Which is better – Adjustable dumbbells of…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

When a loved one is struggling with mental illness, you may find it difficult to understand what they are going through. You may also find that learning ways to support them healthily can be very challenging. Dealing with a loved one's mental illness can be emotionally and physically exhausting. While it can be challenging, there are ways you can love someone with a mental illness while providing them with the meaningful support they need to get help. Learn more  Learn All You Can About Mental Illness Mental illness is a complex condition that has many facets. You need to learn…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

While your kids are home, you can provide a safe environment that limits their exposure to allergens. However, once they start school, their health and abilities will be tested. There are ways of reducing the chances of getting an allergic reaction while they are at school or outdoors. To help you with this, here are some of the most common allergens kids may come across at school and what you can do to lower their risk of exposure. Potential school allergens Schools are home to a plethora of allergens, only some of which parents are aware of. Some of them…

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Tips For New Physicians To Have A Successful Career

Every year a new set of physicians get out of medical college and hope to do their best in their profession which is demanding to say the least. To move from being a resident to becoming a physician and finding a job is a challenging task in itself. This job is a culmination of years of hard work, long hours of study and a promise of a successful career.  To become a successful physician is not easy despite having the skill and knowledge, there are a lot of challenges that they have to get through to succeed. Even though there…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Having a healthy mouth is as essential as having a healthy body. People often tend to ignore oral problems that are not painful or unaesthetic. However, in the long run, it is these problems that develop into an illness. Out of many dental treatments available to fix your mouth, one of the most sought is a dental crown. Recent advancements in technology have made it a highly successful procedure. Yet, several people are still reluctant to get a dental crown. Let us break it down for you with some fantastic reasons to get a crown for your teeth. About Dental…

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There are people who “wait out” issues and tooth pain, hoping that the problems will simply go away because they’re afraid of visiting their dentist. Of course, this won’t solve your problems, especially when it comes to tooth abscess. Abscesses can form in different parts of the body, and they’re a natural defense mechanism that blocks infections from reaching other areas. When it comes to tooth abscess, however, both your teeth and gums are at risk. Causes There are two main causes of tooth abscess that we can point out. The most common cause being severe tooth decay that is…

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Aquafresh RO water purifier is the best purifier for your home which uses a relatively modern technique known as reverse osmosis. It is the world’s best RO water purifiers. When you boil the water or used conventional purifiers, it only kills bacteria and viruses but does not remove dissolved impurities which can be only done by Aquafresh RO water purifier. It is the most trusted and branded RO water purifier. It retains essential natural minerals in purified water by providing 100% safe and tasty drinking water. They have become a necessity in every sector, along with our modernization of living…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

When something is going wrong with the cardiovascular system it is very easy to be unaware of it. cardiac Symptoms that indicate heart disease can be so easy to miss because are so subtle and often vary from person to person, depending on their age, lifestyle and certain health risks. Read on to discover which important cardiac symptoms you need to be aware of and which ones the London Cardiovascular Clinic think warrant investigation by a professional sooner rather than later. Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation isn’t only a worrying cardiac symptoms but also a form of the irregular heartbeat which…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

One of the leading dangers of bad oral hygiene is periodontal disease. This dental problem does not just damage the teeth, gums, and bone, but it can lead to other life-threatening illnesses as well. Periodontal disease is linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and aspiration pneumonia. Sadly, a lot of people suffer from periodontal disease. The Guinness World Records even cites it as the most prevalent disease in the world. Indeed, it is a major cause of concern in the dental world, considering how easy it is to prevent. Are You at Risk of Periodontal Disease? It is worth noting…

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