Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Before you find the online Xarelto Prices In Canada, there are several things you need or should know about this medication. And doing so will make you reap its benefits to the maximum. Xarelto drug is intended to prevent blood clots. Excellent examples of its uses are; in treating pulmonary emboli, deep vein thrombosis, and prevention of blood clots after atrial fibrillation. To get a better understanding, take a look at the explanation of these points. Pulmonary emboli- It can also be referred to as pulmonary embolism, this situation occurs when blood clots block the arteries in your lungs. The…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

In one of the documentaries of HBO, it was revealed that obesity cases are more prevalent among the people who live within the poverty line. These are individuals and families who supposedly do not have enough money for basic needs, and yet their bodies show destructive abundance. What's even more concerning is obesity starts young for many of them. A report shows that a lot of schoolchildren in the United States, mainly, find it difficult to turn away from junk food. Plus, they opt to eat when dealing with the stresses of their early life, setting them for a future…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

It’s not easy to control a child’s screen time. With phones, tablets, computers and TV screens all around them, many children find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to resist the temptation of spending countless hours in front of a screen. While some screen time can be educational and support their social development, the problems arise when that time is not properly managed and when screens take over the role of parents, family, and friends. So, what can we do about it? Understand the problem Recognizing a problem (“my child spends way too much time playing games”) is one thing,…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Putting your body through a sequence of challenging workouts can wear down even the most experienced athlete. It is essential that you take care of your body to make certain that you stay in top form and perform the best way possible to avoid injury. Athletes are always searching for ways to improve their game and reach their peak performance. Below are some of the ways an athlete can do to get the most out of their workouts and fulfil their fitness potential. Nutrition Required by athletes Food is the fuel that helps an athlete achieves optimal performance. Good nutrition…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Saliva helps to make everyday functions easy from helping you experience a tasty dish to letting speak more clearly. But saliva also plays a pivotal role in good oral health. Learn more about what components makeup saliva and how it helps your body and oral health. 1. Saliva - What is it? Is the clear fluid found inside your mouth? It is made up of several important chemical and physical components, but 99% of your saliva is water. A healthy person can produce up to 2 litres of saliva every day. Saliva is an essential part of your digestive system…

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A cavity, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, is essentially a hole in your tooth. When the tooth enamel becomes weakened due to severe de-mineralisation, the structure of the tooth is eroded and creates a hole. Unfortunately, if cavities are left untreated they will grow bigger and deeper over time and can affect nearby teeth. 2) Your Mouth is a Battlefield Inside your mouth, there is a microbiome that contains many different types of bacteria, some good and some harmful to your dental health. Some of these harmful bacteria feed on the sugars present in the food and…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Weight gain has been very common to a lot of people in the current world that we are living in today. You will find out that more people are gaining weight and they do not have a clue of what it is required of them to reduce it. If you wish to lose weight, you will need to be persistent because it does not come easy. It is evident that people gain weight due to different things. You will find out that people that are going through weight gain can easily be affected by some illnesses as compared to healthy…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Nutritionists have long maintained that nuts are an essential component of any proper and healthy diet. And they recommend to eat them at least occasionally. We have collected several facts from scientists about the benefits of nuts for men and women. 1. For strong muscles If you go to the gym to build up your strength, then nuts and seeds should become your constant companions. Firstly, they are an excellent source of protein. Secondly, Vitamin E, an antioxidant that plays a vital role in muscle gain. Besides, it reduces the effect of free radicals on muscles and accelerates their recovery…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

A keto diet plan can transform your body in a few weeks. And this is no 'cock and bull' story. Over 20 different studies have been made on this, and all of them have one conclusion: keto diet can help you burn fat faster, gain the right muscle, and may even prove beneficial against cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, and heart diseases.  In recent years, the keto diet has become very popular. Several celebrities and influencers are swearing for its effectiveness; no wonder many people followed the trend to achieve a body that will envy many. If you are looking for a…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

We all love aromatherapy and when it comes to aromatherapy, we all must have heard about essential lavender oil. Even for people who don’t have any likeness towards aromatherapy must have heard about the goodness of this oil because it is considered to be a miraculous agent in any kind of aromatherapy or even for therapeutic reasons. It has so much versatility that is considered the best gift of nature. Lavender is a common plant that is purple. For centuries these plant has been used for various reason like scented candles, creation of potpourri, perfumes, lotion, soaps, shampoo, etc. This…

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