Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Girl'S Black Hair

Hair loss is one thing that many people around the world fear right now. Losing your hair at a young age or as you grow older can lower your confidence and self-esteem as it makes you look different. However, with the recent technology advancements, you can go for a transplant and get your hair back to normal. Whether you are looking forward to having a hair transplant in Miami, FL, or anywhere else in the world, here are some of the crucial factors to consider. 1. How Fit You Are for The Procedure Before you get a hair transplant, you…

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Help Your Child Deal With Exam Stress In School

If you feel like you are too old to cast your mind back to your school days, it takes one look at a stressed-out, anxiety-ridden teenager to bring it all back. The stress you would feel before exams, the fear of getting a bad grade and the pressure to perform from your parents or your teachers or simply yourself. Literally, nothing has changed and kids today are feeling those same things that you felt – your kids too. So if you see that they need some additional encouragement and help, here’s how to help them cope with everything being thrown…

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4 Major Problems You Can Face Due To Misaligned Teeth

Teeth misalignment occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not align when the jaw is closed. The misalignment can occur due to underbite, overbite or crooked teeth. You can fix it by opting for malocclusion and orthodontic treatment. What Problems do Misaligned Teeth Cause? Difficulty with Chewing Food Chewing food can be tough when you have crooked teeth. To chew properly, there should be good contact between the upper and lower teeth. Protruding upper and lower teeth may rub together and prevent normal jaw alignment. This makes it difficult to chew. Crooked teeth ensure that the food isn’t chewed properly…

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Adult Diapers

Incontinence is uncomfortable regardless of the cause or severity. It may isolate you from your desired social life and even limit your capacity to perform daily tasks. Experts recommend the use of adult diapers to manage incontinence. However, the diapers and other incontinence products are considered a bother and uncomfortable. How can wearing diapers be fashionable and even comfortable? Here are a few practical suggestions. The Wearer Must See the Advantages of the Diapers Comfort begins from the head. The wearer must see a need to put on the diapers and the changes it will bring in his or her…

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How To Clean Your Teeth

Brush your teeth two times a day with the right fluoride toothpaste to keep them clean and mouth healthy. Plaque is a film of bacteria that covers your teeth if you don't clean your teeth very well. It contributes to gum disease and Cavities. Tooth brushing gets rid of plaque build-up and harmful bacteria in your mouth. Be certain that you brush every surface of your teeth. When should I brush my teeth? Brushing twice daily is very important for your dental health. As advised, two minutes brushing in the morning and last thing before going to bed. Your dentist or hygenist will enlighten…

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Study: Science As Discovered A Way To Repair Tooth For Future Treatment.

Stem cells are responsible for healing your wound, as they grow into specialized cell types in your entire body including your teeth. Today, a national group of scientists has predicted a likely solution to repair a tooth. August 2019, in Nature Communications, the investigation revealed that a gene called Dlk1 improves stem cell activation and tissue regeneration in the tooth and promote healing and repair tooth. Dr. Bing Hu from the University of Plymouth's Peninsula Dental School was behind the success of the study. Also, other researchers all over the world also contribute to the discovery. with collaboration from researchers worldwide. READ MORE:…

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Tips To Take Care Of Your Patients' Braces This Summer

We all like to disconnect during the hottest days of the year. Travelling, enjoying the beach, relaxing - those are the only things that should be on our mind during vacations. Even so, your patients shouldn't forget that they have braces on their teeth. Make sure the party isn't ending by reminding them of the following tips if they wear orthodontics this summer: Dental hygiene This is the basis of everything. Daily hygiene of teeth and gums is always important. But now more than ever, your patients should pay special attention. To ensure total care of their mouth and orthodontics,…

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You have the equipment to perform orthodontic treatments. You know how to meet the expectations of your patients. Do you know there are external details to your profession that can influence the way a patient perceives your service? Have a friendly dental office for your patients and provide an optimal impression with these 5 tips: Your Dental Office serves as a business card. It is the first impression of who you are and the type of service you provide to your patients. Every day, people are being guided more and more by visual aspects and the objects they have around…

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How To Care For Your Orthodontic Instruments

Orthodontic instruments are one of the most valuable dental tools used by professionals, so 100% of care is essential to prolong their useful life and ensure the patient's safety against infections. Incorrect and insufficient care of orthodontic instruments can lead to materials damage and even make them unusable. There are specialized cleaning and disinfectant products available on the market you can access. Make sure they are suitable for the instruments you want to clean: stainless steel, anodized aluminium, plastic materials, titanium, among others. READ MORE: Top 10 instruments used for dental extraction Healthsoothe brings you the basic steps to keep…

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