Our health is nowadays at stake because of the unhealthy food habits people tend to follow. Little do they realize that it not only affects the health but our teeth as well, and this can lead to bigger problems than you might’ve imagined. Tending to our teeth begins from our childhood and that should be followed throughout our life as our teeth can build up bacteria very quickly. Adopting this particular healthy behaviour right from your childhood can be shown lanes down your age. Because, unlike others, teeth and gums should be protected regularly as you can always hear your…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
In essence, cystitis is an irritated or inflamed bladder. It has become that for one of a number of possible reasons. Intercourse can be painful to the point of being impossible if you have it depending on the extent, to which inflammation or irritation has become exacerbated. Does this mean we should give up sex for good? No! Here is how to reconcile sex and cystitis. What is Cystitis, Actually? Cystitis is a urological condition that is much more common among women than men. In fact, it is virtually unheard of in men, which is due to the anatomical differences…
A nursing degree in oncology is an exciting career aspect for many nurses. The need for oncology nurses is ongoing and important. The roles of an oncology nurse are changing owing to the different approaches in treating cancer over the last few decades. From an intensive focus on bone marrow transplantation to the community focus of cancer detection, screening, and prevention, the roles vary significantly. As an oncology nurse, you will have diverse functions like direct patient care, patient support during a vulnerable time, and even administrative tasks. Scope of Work for Oncology Nurses Oncology nurses work in a…
Pregnant women who are considering natural pain relief methods during childbirth should check out TENS machine for sale. These devices are designed to help pregnant women manage their labor pain. Nothing is more fulfilling to most women than being able to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth to a healthy child. However, the process of bringing a child to this world can be accompanied by incredible pain. Labor pain is, hands down, one of the worst physical pains a woman could ever go through. Fortunately, and thanks to the technological advancements and innovations, women no longer have to…
Though diet fads and workout crazes come and go, health is a lifelong commitment. And with all the unpredictability life throws at us, it’s nice to have a regular reminder to put health first. Enter: the fitness subscription box. Whether you’re looking to kick off a lifestyle change or shake up a fitness routine, there’s really no better way to get yourself moving than a monthly curation of fitness products to help you meet your goals. From diet to sports, to general health and fitness, here are the top 9 keto box to keep you healthy. 1. RawBox – Starting at $39.95/month…
Enhance your sleep tonight with the #1 snore reduction pillow. The snoreless anti-snoring pillow elevates, aligns and opens the throat airway for healthier breathing and quieter evenings for all. Recessed-core support properly cradles the head, elevates and aligns to open up airways Raises chin off chest for efficient snore reduction Enhances support for head and neck Fits into any standard pillowcase Proven to relieve minor head, neck and shoulder pain & mild acid reflux Ergonomically correct and comfortable, the snoreless anti-snoring pillow supports and positions the head and neck to improve alignment. The SNORELESS pillow is designed with a reinforced…
Shopping for a goals-oriented fitness subscription box? Want to crush your fitness goals, climb mountains, or finally master that One-Handed Tree Pose? This selection of health, fitness, and outdoors subscription box is like your favorite granola: a mix of powerful goodies to fuel you through the day. Who knew gifting could be so easy? No pain: plenty of gains! 1. Runner Crate subscription box Price: Starts at $18.97/monthly What you’ll get: Expect 4-5 full-size snacks curated for runners in the Mini Runner Crate and this plus an additional 1-2 high quality running accessories in the original Runner Crate. Stay motivated each month with…
A major benefit of Kunu aya drink is that it has been used for centuries in northern Nigeria to boost male sex hormone and to treat premature ejaculation naturally without side effects. The Natural aphrodisiac is known for boosting male sex drive. The only difference is the addition of soaked tiger nut (Aya) and dates palm (dabino) to the grain before blending. The procedure for making Kunu Aya drink Fresh and milk from 1 coconut 10 medium-sized dates 2 cups of tiger nuts 1 piece of ginger Soak the tiger nut overnight in freshwater. Put the soaked tiger nut, coconut…
Pulling a tooth is often necessary for adulthood. After the tooth removal process eats soft foods, such as soup, pudding, yogurt, after the tooth extraction. Avoid spicy food and alcohol too. Gradually add solid foods as you heal. If you are planning a tooth extraction, plan ahead for your meals before pulling a tooth. Also, get rid of hard foods such as grains and avoid using a straw. Reasons for Pulling a Tooth Although you are supposed to keep and protect your teeth for a lifetime, certain conditions may warrant your tooth to be extracted as the case may be.…
Yoga has a whole host of health benefits and can be used to treat everything from anxiety and depression to scoliosis. Now, you may be able to add a variety of pregnancy-related issues to the many problems and ailments that yoga can treat. In this article, we take a look at why antenatal yoga should be a part of every pregnant woman’s prenatal care regimen. What Is Yoga? Let’s start with the basics. Yoga is a traditional practice that originates in Hinduism, which consists of physically-challenging poses known as asanas, breathing exercises, and a spiritual and mental component of self-control,…