Gum massage, a way to inject oxygen into your gums to combat hard bacteria, as well as remove plaque and excess food waste from under your gums, is a new way to keep your gums and teeth healthy. GUM MASSAGE BENEFITS It is also known as Gingival massage. It is a medical of hygienic treatment of the gum by manipulation. It means to treat or operate manually with skill. Gum massage can be achieved through the use of simulators, which are supplementary aids Oral physiotherapy. In addition, gum massage therapy (massage of gingival tissues) using the…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
Masturbation is a major challenge for recent children (male and female) and this has been in existence for more than 30years ago. A lot of youth choose to ignore this even medical personnel too, but this thing has damaged so much life's. It has been the major problem for so many homes today. It has to lead to major challenges like low sperm count, sexual weakness, pain, bleeding, frequent urination, loss of weight, loss of blood, shorten lifespan and a weak bladder muscle when the person reached age 60 to 70 years of age. At what age do…
When a girl begins to menstruate, a girl can become impregnated and bear a child, this does not mean that this should happen. Every girl is entitled to a normal childhood and youth, she should not be deprived of that. Every girl should be given time to develop physically and mentally before taking on the burdens of motherhood. I think the best age for a young woman to marry should be between eighteen and twenty-three. However, There are various abnormal conditions that cause discomfort in menstruation such as (painful menstruation, the absence of menstruation profuse menstruation and leucorrhoea menstruation).…
Effects of excessive masturbation on your body and health (including hair loss, stress, and depression). Masturbation is normal sexual behaviour, but, like any other behaviour, when over practised it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances and side effects. How much is over-masturbation? Over-masturbation would be 2 or more times a day. Several doctors recommend keeping masturbation frequency down to only two or three times a week. And for a reason. First, you should know that internal body temperature increases with masturbation. This is the reason you feel hotter or sometimes even sweaty after masturbating. According to, when…
What does pinworm mean? A pinworm infection is one of the most common types of human intestinal. Pinworms are tiny, narrow worms. They’re white in color and less than half an inch long. The male of this species measures only 2 to 4 length while the female measures 8 to length. A pinworm infection, also known as enterobiasis or oxyuriasis, is the most common type of worm infection in humans in the United States according to the center of disease control and prevention Source: " Basem Bin Omer Bin Ali " - under creative commons license Who…
Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder in which the diagnosed person has one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breath during sleep but there is a way to cure it without needing CPAP. The duration of the pauses of a person with this sleep disorder could be a few seconds to a few minutes or more. It is quite possible to have 30 such pauses within an hour. Normal breathing starts again with a loud snort or a choking sound. This kind of sleep disorder occurs when a person switches from deep sleep into light sleep. This makes…
Mandibular hypoplasia is a frequently encountered craniofacial difference and can be classified into three groups: congenital, developmental, and acquired. There have been numerous publications on patients with syndromic congenital mandibular hypoplasia; however, there has been no investigation and differentiation of the "non-syndromic" patients. What's Mandibular hypoplasia? The word mandibular means lower jawline or jaw bone and hypoplasia mean undergrowth or incomplete growth. So as the name implies, it is an incomplete development or growth of the lower jaw. Mandibular hypoplasia closely similar to micrognathia in which the lower jaw is undersized or micrognathia similar to mandibular hypoplasia but another term…
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD), also known as Restless Genital Syndrome (ReGS or RGS), results in a spontaneous and persistent genital arousal, with or without orgasm or genital engorgement, unrelated to any feelings of sexual desire. Some physicians use the term Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome to refer to the condition in women; others consider the syndrome of priapism in men to be the same disorder. In addition to being very rare, the condition is also frequently unreported by sufferers who may consider it shameful or embarrassing. Physical arousal caused by this syndrome can be very intense and persist for extended…
That ‘smoking is injurious to health is something’ we all know. We have grown up hearing this or reading this on billboards or in ads on TV. So, if you want to go one step ahead, this will definitely serve you great. Because quitting smoking can help you regroup and focus again on your health and start enjoying the riches of life. It will benefit your overall health, including your lungs, heart and dental health. However, you know giving up cigarettes is not going to be easy unless you have the resolve for that. You should try these things…
Preventive Child Dental Care Many oral health diseases start in childhood, including malocclusion, dental caries, fluorosis, and much more. It can be prevented through regular preventive dental care and counseling. Despite the drop in the prevalence of dental caries among school-aged children from approximately 75 percent in the 1970s to 37 percent in 2011 to 2012, caries continues to be one of the most common recurring oral diseases. An entry from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention imply that tooth decay in primary teeth of children aged two to five years has fluctuated since the 1980s but has…