The amount of minerals in bananas and their peels has led some people to accept the facts that banana peel can whiten teeth. The process is that you will rub the inside of the banana peel on your teeth for a couple of minutes before or after you brush them. Supporters claim that after rubbing your teeth with the banana peel daily for about two or three weeks, you should have a whiter smile. How to whitening teeth with a banana peel? Bananas are nutritious. One medium banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium, 32 mg of magnesium and 3 grams…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
Let's not beat around the bush: sometimes saliva smell and often link to bad breath. Before we go any further, let's remember that there's nothing wrong with that unless you have oral diseases. Sometimes body parts are a little bit stinky. Smelling your saliva on the back of your hand and you quickly jump to a conclusion that you have bad breath is not trustworthy. You really need better prove like making use of a small hand-held tester, like Tanita breath checker. For more information take a look at this page - Bad Breath Tester - Which is best? The…
Mouth breathing can have the greatest impact on the kids due to its impact on dental and facial development. Kids whose mouth breathing has not been treated can develop longer and narrower faces as well as a crooked tooth. Mouth breathing is nothing but a type of respiration that occurs instead of the nose through the mouth. This one happens to be a kind of breathing that is unassuming, unsuspecting and harmless. Though it is alright if you breathe through the mouth occasionally (like during exercise) but doing this all the time can have adverse effects on your body and health.…
According to NDA, and studies show bleaching is generally safe. As a general rule for Do It Yourself (DIY) hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening, using homemade teeth whitening – such as, baking soda teeth whitening, whitening teeth with banana peel. A small amount – can make an effect. Several remedies solutions start with teeth whitening kit follow by using baking soda as the base, combined with other natural ingredients for consistency. Related: 3 Steps to Use Activated Charcoal to Whiten Teeth Apart from healthy hair and glowing skin, shiny, white teeth are associated with beauty and smartness, both in men and…
The huge benefit of eating this kola – make it useful for various health issues. Here are at least 8 entries with benefits of bitter kola powder, listed effects of bitter kola, and examples of what bitter kola is good for. Bitter Kola also is known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant found in western and central Africa and it produces brown, nut-like seeds. Health benefits of Garcinia Kola was explained by its divine origin. It has been used in African culture for centuries for both traditional and medicinal purposes. It contains dimeric flavonoid, lipase inhibitor which is…
Enameloplasty (known as tooth reshaping or odontoplasty) is a procedure in which small amounts of tooth enamel are removed to change a tooth’s length, shape, or surface. It is also called tooth recontouring, teeth reshaping, stripping, or slenderizing. What is an Enameloplasty? The treatment is also sometimes called odontoplasty, and is also applied in remodeling porcelain or composite resin materials for crowns and fillings. Most people choose to have tooth reshaping if they have chips in a tooth, slightly irregular tooth shapes or over-long canines. Who Needs Enameloplasty? Anyone with teeth where the enamel surface is worn, chipped or fractured…
What is ischemic Heart Disease? Ischaemic (or ischemic) heart disease is a disease characterized by the reduced blood supply to the heart. This condition occurs most often during exertion or excitement when the heart requires greater blood flow. Ischemic heart disease, also called coronary heart disease, is the most common cause of death in most western countries. The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle and no alternative blood supply exists, so a blockage in the coronary arteries reduces the supply of blood to heart muscle. If you develop Ischaemic heart disease, the left ventricle in your heart will…
What is Fetus in Fetu? “Fetus in Fetu” is a rare pregnancy complication in which a fetus (or a mass of tissue tightly resembling a fetus) is present inside of another fetus. Fetus in fetu can be characterized as being alive or dead: it is considered “alive” when the tissues of the inside fetus have a viable blood supply, and it is “dead” when the tissues are non-functioning. In a viable fetus in fetu and depending on the level of development of the internal organs, the internal fetus can present with a fully functioning gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract or even…
The Simple Technique of Cleaning and Sterilizing Dental Instruments Elimination of cross-infection is a significant responsibility for all healthcare employees. In dentistry, it's accomplished by utilizing disposable things and ensuring all non-disposable instruments are correctly cleaned prior to being sterilized, preferably by autoclaving. The latest CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health Care Settings-- would be the standard of care for disease control in dentistry. Why is it that we decontaminate things? Decontamination is completed for 2 reasons: To Generate a reusable thing safe for others to Manage To minimize (disinfect) or remove (sterilize) the threat of cross-infection by…
heal n soothe reviews Heal-n-Soothe is a product that combines systemic enzymes with 12 of the most powerful natural pain relief found in mother nature, including Turmeric, Bromelain, Papain, Boswellia, Rutin, Ginger, and more! In our day to day activities, we always have physical pain in one way or the other. It's is hard to explain because most families and friends have individuals who experience chronic pain, their medical providers, and those responsible for someone’s direct care. Apart from direct care, there are several other countries who approach this topic from a different point of view: the general medical community,…