Often, neck pain and or neck and arm pain is associated with some type of problem that is going on in the cervical spine. Examples include degenerative or herniated disc, spinal arthritis in the neck area, soft tissue damage following a whiplash incident, and in rare cases, things like infection, tumors, or cysts. Common Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain The neck and shoulder area is, to say the least, complex; it’s resplendent with many small but critical anatomical structures. When shoulder pain is the complaint, possibilities that come to mind about the cause tend to be along the lines…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
Eczema is a rash that causes dry, irritated, red, and itchy patches of skin. In most cases, eczema refers to atopic dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction that affects the skin. The skin disorder may go through periods of healing, known as remission, where there are virtually no symptoms. At other times, however, eczema may become aggravated, and the symptoms worsen. This is known as a flare. People with this skin problem are often advised to avoid triggers, or things that cause eczema flares. Triggers are different for each person and may include: Certain detergents Fragrances Allergens Stress Certain foods…
Making homemade fried rice is so much easier than you think and a fabulous way to use up leftover protein, vegetables, and cooked rice. Using just a few common pantry staples, you can prepare a nutritious and satisfying meal in less than 20 minutes your fried rice is done. Preparing take-out dishes at home also helps you avoid any potential gluten in the meal. When you cook at home, you control everything that's going into your recipe, so not only can you omit ingredients that don't bode well with your system, but you can also add ingredients that provide nutrients…
In recent years, modern bone grafting techniques have been helpful, the bone that has been lost can be built up again. This can benefit both your health and appearance by strengthening your jawbone, allowing more effective tooth replacement, and increasing support for your facial features. What is bone grafting Bone grafting is a minor surgical procedure that is normally done in a dental clinic. A surgical cut is made in your gum to gain access to the bone beneath it, and then grafting material is added. Most often, the grafting material is processed bone minerals around which your body will…
These dental problems -including chipped teeth, bad breath, impacted teeth, oral cancer, cavities, sores, fever blisters, and stained teeth can be cured. Here is a list of common dental problems you need to know. Dental problems are serious tooth problems, luckily you can prevent them from happening. Good dental hygiene is the key part by brushing two times a day, eating good foods, floss daily and follow-up with your dental check-ups is very important. Educating yourself about common dental problems and their causes can also help you to prevent them. 1. Abscessed Tooth An abscessed tooth is a pocket…
HBOT is a treatment, in which a patient breathes 100% oxygen whilst inside a treatment chamber at a pressure higher than sea level pressure. It is the new application of old technology to help resolve certain medical problems. When a patient is given 100% oxygen under pressure, hemoglobin is saturated, but the blood can be hyper-oxygenated by dissolving oxygen into the plasma- which gets to the tissues in greater concentrations. In some cases, it represents the only treatment needed whilst in others it is an additional treatment to surgery or drugs. Treatment can be carried out in either a mono…
Eating the same food as your partner may not necessarily keep you fit and healthy. These essential foods as a different set of nutrients for your bodies to function well. Furthermore, the health risks for men and women vary and it is essential to take this fact into consideration while deciding the best diet that you should follow. Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood helps us understand this better, “The major difference between the male body and the female body is that the muscle mass in the male body is higher than that in females. Thus, essential foods rich in proteins…
Gums are made up of muscle tissues that provide seals around the teeth. They provide an effective barrier that protects the roots of the teeth. Gum recession exposes the roots of the teeth which consist of a soft tissue called cementum. Unfortunately, this tissue is easily worn away and does not replenish itself. If the cementum or root of the tooth is exposed, cavities can form and teeth can become more sensitive. This exposure also puts the mouth and teeth at risk of other infections and oral diseases. What Is Gum Recession? Gingival recession, or gum recession, is what happens…
Baby Bottle tooth decay can be triggered by frequent snacking throughout the day and bottle feeding by night. Other contributing factors are soda and fruit juices. A healthy diet is very important for kids. When kids are overweight, they may be at risk of acquiring or contracting serious diseases. You most Ensure your kids get access to nutritionally balanced meals. Also, it helps to protect their teeth from tooth decay. Too much sugar can attract or trigger acid attacks on the tooth enamel. This will weaken the teeth and may also cause baby Bottle tooth decay to develop. Helping Kids…
WHAT IS LATEX ALLERGY? Latex allergy is a reaction to certain proteins found in natural rubber latex, a product made from the rubber tree. If you have a latex allergy, your body mistakes latex for a harmful substance. Naturally, occurring latex has been linked in recent years to allergic reactions in people who use such products as latex gloves. The proteins in the latex, which can also become airborne, can cause problems in vulnerable people such as breathing problems and contact dermatitis. Some allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, have been more severe. Many health experts have rightly attributed the…