According to medical research, there are types of worms diseases that can be found in the body. This worms varies by sizes, Symptoms, treatment, countries to countries and mode of contracting them. These worms are harmful to the body if left untreated. Types of worms? Flukes (trematodes) Tapeworms Strongyloides stercoralis Pin-worm, Thread-worm (enterobiusvermicularies) Hook-worm (Ankylostoma duodenale and necatoramericanus) Trichina worms (Trichinella spiralis) Round-worm (ascarislumbricoides) Guinea worm, serpent-worm,dragon-worm Where are these types of worms found or located in the body system? Flukes worms This worm has varieties but similar characteristics.They all have the same size in length and causing the same general complaints. They are found…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
Body aches and pains are common. When you feel hurt all over your body, it has if the discomfort is coming from multiple groups of muscles in your body, such as joints and deep in the bones. Body aches arise from the soft tissue of the body such as: Muscles Tendons Ligaments Fascia Cartilage Organs The most common physical causes are also the most easily treated: Repeated or multiple injury or trauma including bruising and strains Overuse and overwork – using and abusing a large area of the body too much, too often, or too soon after exercise, prior injury…
It is very essential for all dental professional to know the anatomy of the head and neck that such as (dentist, dental nurse, dental therapy, and technology) to have a better knowledge of anatomy and physiology. This article makes us understand how the anatomy of the head and neck are related to the treatment of patients in dental and oral surgery department in dentistry. First of all, we must know the, (Anatomy of the head and neck): Basic knowledge of the skull The skull is the bony skeleton of the head and jaws (the dentist deals with the head…
Due to the presence of protein, Green amaranth vegetables is recommended for those at risk of having anemia. Also, it reduces blood sugar, lower cholesterol, may also boost fertility. Some of the benefit of Green vegetables are prevention against convulsion, improve the immune system. Nutritional value of Green amaranth vegetables Green vegetables are highly nutritional. Green amaranth are known to have vitamins; A, K, B6, C, riboflavin and also foliate, and some minerals including; calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese. Energy- 23 Kcal Carbohydrates- 4.02 g Protein- 2.46 g Total Fat- 0.33 g Cholesterol- 0 mg Dietary Fiber-…
13 department of dentistry, oral medicine, cosmetic dentistry, dental public health, orthodontics, restorative dentistry, endodontics, periodontology, geriatric dentistry, and minimal intervention dentistry. department of dentistry and their Functions 1. Oral surgery: Is the department of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disease. 2. Periodontics: Is the department of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a disease which destroy the supporting tissues of the teeth, it is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease e.g gum, alveolar bone, and periodontal membrane. 3. Endodontics: is the…
Local anesthesia is defined as a loss of sensation in a specific area of your mouth without inducing a loss of consciousness. It requires topical application or needle injection if you need it during dental treatment. Also, Local anesthesia can be defined as a localized state of insensibility to pain produced by preventing conjunction of stimuli along a nerve, by placing a chemical somewhere along its length. Without Local anesthesia, your dentist cannot perform any dental surgery. Before any procedure start, your dentist has to insert it straight inside the gum of the area he or she is working on.…
Moisture control in dentistry is the removal of excess saliva from the patient mouth during any dental procedures or some dental procedures like amalgam filling, composite filling, root canal therapy, gingivectomy, alveolectomy, deep curettage, and many others. As a dental assistant, you should be able to describe a way you can control moisture during dental procedures. A dental assistant should know the importance of surgery duties and office duties. In recent years, most instruments have a number, and the name is more important, except when some dentist who only ask for the number. However, this is often stamped on the instrument,…
A tumor literally means swelling of tissue. A Neoplasm is strictly defined as an uncoordinated proliferation of tissues, the growth of which persists in an unlimited fashion, even after the removal of the stimulus that causes the change. The term Neoplasm is a Greek word which means Noes-New, plasma-tissue Types of Neoplasm A benign tumor Slow growing Encapsulated Margin well defined Do not spread to other organs than that direct extension Benign tumors which arise from both epithelial and connective tissue are usually referred to with a name and a phrase called " Lomas" Malignant Tumor Grow more rapidly Margins…
History taking in medicine is a collection of biodata of the patient or it is often referred to as vital information of the patient. This starts right from the registry (card room) which includes but not limited to: Name - For easy identification. Age - Timing of treatment-related with age is very important. Sex - Since treatments are started earlier in females than in males for example. In orthodontics use of functional appliances. Address - To locate the patient easily, if there is the need. Marital status. Patients now proceed into surgery where the following information is collected. 1.…
Laboratory blood test studies also can reveal bits of information about organ systems throughout the body. For a simple blood test, a few drops may be drawn from a capillary through a finger prick; more detailed tests can require the equivalent of a couple of teaspoonful of blood drawn from a vein In the arm. The amount of blood test taken for lab work is not harmful; a normal body manufactures a couple of ounces of new blood every day, several times the amount used for a laboratory test. HOW DOES RED BLOOD CELLS WORK? For a count of red…