Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN

Isreal olabanji a dental assistant and public health professionals and has years of experience in assisting the dentist with all sorts of dental issues.We regularly post timely and trustworthy medical information and news on Fitness, Dental care, Recipes, Child health, obstetrics, and more.

Understanding Urinalysis Tests And Urine In The Laboratory

Your health evaluation is incomplete without the findings of laboratory tests of blood and urine. Your doctor or his assistant may give special instructions about food and water intake well in advance of the time you are going to deliver your specimen because those factors can influence the chemical makeup of your sample. Laboratory Tests of Urine The time of day of the collection also can affect the composition of the sample; urine voided early in the morning is likely to be more acid in content, while urine collected after a meal may be more alkaline. Thus, for a routine…

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 The use of physical examination to determine the health of people is not new. Medical literature reveals that periodic health examinations were required of the Spartans of an ancient Greece. American doctors have encouraged periodic health examination of children and adults as a preventive health measure since so many years ago. Prepare for the Microsoft PL-300 Practice Tests Dumps. Strengthen your skills in data analysis and get ready for the Power BI certification. But only in the last few decades has the general public accepted the idea that much physical disorder can be detected in the earliest stages by an…

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Diagnosis And Treatment Planning

Diagnosis is the identification or recognition of an illness or a disease by examination of the symptoms.   In order to make a diagnosis, your doctor will collect all available information (History taking) by questioning, and then make physical examinations or clinical examinations of the patients. Diagnosis can be provisional or differential - this is a tentative diagnosis, it is when you are thinking about two or more particular disease. Diagnosis can also be final or definitive - this is when your doctor is very sure of which particular disease you are suffering from. It's the correct diagnosis. To arrive…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Acute Pulpitis is an inflammation of dental pulp and the commonest cause of dental pain. Acute Pulpitis Signs and Symptoms Usually, a large carious lesion or a defective restoration with recurrent caries is present.  Relatively severe pain is elicited by thermal changes, especially iced or cold drinks which persist after removal of stimulants. Pain may proceed to be more severe with the involvement of a greater portion of the pulp with intra pulpal abscess formation. Severe and lancinating pain may result; it may be continuous and increased by lying down; exacerbated by heat and react to electric pulp tester at…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

 Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune skin disease, causing hair loss on the scalp, face and sometimes on other areas of the body. According to national alopecia, areata foundation affects as many as 6.8 million people in the U.S, with a lifetime risk of 2.1 %. In recent time, all effort has been made to restore self-esteem and their confidence of boy or girl suffering from this medical condition. The recipients suffering from this condition are children, age 21 and under, suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. A foundation called locks of love has done so much…

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Osteomyelitis Of The Jaw

osteomyelitis is an inflammation of bone and bone marrow. It may develop in jaws from bone infection or from other odontogenic causes. The spread of infection from dental pulp is in the direction of Periapical region. A number of tissue reactions may occur depending on the variety of circumstances. There is a transformation from one lesion to another in most cases. What is Osteomyelitis? It is an inflammation of the interior of bone especially involving the marrow spaces.    It is either acute, subacute or chronic and presents different clinical course depending on its nature. Acute Suppurative osteomyelitis   This…

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Poor oral hygiene can lead to pulp diseases that require root canals, or worse. Learn about the types, symptoms, and treatments for oral pulp diseases. What is pulpitis?      Pulpitis or inflammation of dental pulp is the commonest cause of dental pain. Causes of Pulp disease      Most pulpitis is primarily as a result of dental caries secondary to bacteria invasion of dentine and pulp tissues. However, pulpal changes may occur in early caries limited to enamel alone as white spots. Bacteria invasion in the absence of caries occur in tooth fracture or as a result of bacteremia.…

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Tooth trauma result from injuries to the teeth or the soft tissues usually following, Fall, Sports, Road traffic accident and Altercations. How does tooth trauma involve soft tissue? When tooth trauma involves soft tissue it may be simply bruises or frank lacerations. When it is a bruise this can be handled by cleaning the wound by an antiseptic agent and dressing in sterile gauze or better still left dry. An example of an antiseptic agent is:   1. Iodine.   2. Eusol purit.   3. Dettol.   4. Methylated spirit or other antiseptics you know of which are commonly used…

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Healthsoothe Shop: Health And Dental Care

Anug Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis also known as trench mouth is a common, non-contagious infection of the gums with sudden onset. The main features are painful, bleeding gums, and ulceration of inter-dental papillae (the sections of gum between adjacent teeth). This is a disease characterized by rapidly progressive ulceration starting at the tips of the interdental papillae, spreading along the gingival margins and going to acute destruction of the periodontium. Etiology of Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis    Fusospirochetal - Borrelia Vincenti and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Although there are other organisms which have been reported to reduce the oxygen tension for the anaerobes to…

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Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs, caused by Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and a number of other bacteria. The so-called lobar pneumonia is caused by pneumococcus and is the most severe and dramatic, starting suddenly and ending in a crisis. It is a very prostrating disease, and in the past has taken a heavy toll of human lives.  Signs And Symptoms of Pneumonia The infection begins with a severe chill.  The temperature rises quickly and there is a pain in the chest.  There is a short, dry, painful cough, and the rate of breathing is greatly increased.  The patient lies on the…

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