Smallpox is one of the most dreaded of all infectious diseases, and one of the most contagious. When smallpox is epidemic, not more than one or two out of every one hundred unvaccinated persons in a community are likely to escape the disease. It attacks old and young, male and female. From of old, there is no disease that has been more feared by the people in every land, than smallpox, for not only is it very contagious, but also extremely virulent. when it afflicts the unvaccinated the death rate ranges from 10 to 80 per cent. In case the…
Author: Isreal Olabanji DST RN
Tetanus germs live in a place where there is but little oxygen. For this reason, deep penetrating wounds are the most dangerous. When they are contaminated by dirt or soiled clothes and sealed over by injured tissue, the danger that tetanus may develop is much greater. Tetanus causes Tetanus is caused by a toxin found in dirt, dust and animal feces produced by spores of bacteria, Clostridium tetani. They develop into bacteria that can produce a potent toxin, tetanospasmin, when the spores penetrate a deep flesh wound. The toxin activates the nerves (motor neurons) that control the muscles. The toxin…
Diphtheria is one of the most common infectious diseases than polio and it is accompanied with so much danger than polio. The mortality rate is high and the illness is distressing. According to medical research, the tragic thing about it is that it attacks children between the ages of two and five more than any other age, and it particularly affects the throat. At this age, their throats are so small that it does not take much to obstruct them. Also, it is difficult to explain to children of this age what their trouble is and why they are suffering.…
Kala Azar is a disease that is carried by insects. Thus, is a tropical disease which occurs mostly in Asia, Africa, southern Europe. Kala Azar disease carried by insects are found along the rivers, the disease is probably caused by sandfly (Phlebotomus) which carried a parasite called visceral Leishmaniasis. It can also be introduced into the skin through a fair piercing of the sandfly. According to scientific research, this disease is easily identified and examine under a microscope which reveals these protozoa. These microscopic parasites are said to enter the cells of the body, especially the bone marrow, liver, spleen…
It is obvious that common cold is a disease that affects the respiratory system, and it occurs most often in the winter season (sometimes twice in a year or anytime in a year. Most individuals those not count common cold as a serious disease or complicated disease, but the fact is any disease that is left untreated may be life treating to the patient. However, common cold causes so much disturbance to the patient suffering from this disease but we just choose to ignore it. The common cold is caused by or triggers by not limited to certain food: Roasted…
Eating very good vegetables food helps our body a lot in terms of strengthening our body immunity to fight diseases, helps the body to get is maximum growth, healthy lifestyle and much more. In recent time, a balanced diet is the only source that can help our body to get is maximum nutritional facts that are required for the body. Some of this food that the body need are of various types: Vegetables. Fruit and beverages. Cereal. Whole milk. Meat and a lot more. However, eating this food is good for the recovery of the…
Everyone has known the fact that major nutrients are required for children to grow properly. However, the specific needs of each individual's nutrients determined whether he/she is growing, and by how much energy is required for his activities. All these nutrients keep children grow very fast until some certain age that it will be normal, and high food are needed for child growth. The food that children need is very vital and you should not be surprised if your child eats much. He/she need food to grow. Normally younger one's triple their birth weight and they are very active in…
I can say Filariasis is a disease caused by the worm which simply affect man, and which is transmitted by a mosquito. In a few Of the various cases that contracted filariasis, there is a condition that later developed which is so-called elephantiasis. I know a few people would have heard about this, maybe one way or the other and don't seem to know the danger this might cause. In a few Of the various cases that contracted Filariasis, left it untreated. This may be a life-threatening as this could be caused so much disaster to the…
Diagnostic procedures have raised many questions centring on patients' rights. The questions concern both physicians and hospitals and relate to the general right of the patient to know what is happening to him or her and why. Efforts to develop lists of specific rights that the patient enjoys have gone far beyond the specific area of diagnosis and treatment. The lists touch on such matters as the patient's need to maintain privacy, his or her right to be informed of any surgical or other procedures to be performed, and the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law.…
The ultimate key to successful weight reduction is proper eating combined with proper physical activity. This balance is extremely difficult for many people to achieve because it involves a marked change in attitudes and behavior patterns that are generally solidly established and of long duration. Furthermore, Once the changes are made, they will have to endure for a lifetime if the weight that has been lost is not to be regained. It is therefore important that the reducing diet should be somewhat similar to the person’s usual eating pattern in terms of style and quality. Ideally, only the calorie content…