Author: Iyanu Kolawole

My name is Iyanu Kolawole, I'm a professional content writer and web developer. I have always been passionate about writing and developing my coding skills. I started my career as a content writer and have written for several companies and brands. I am also a skilled web developer and have built several websites for businesses and individuals.I am a hardworking individual who is always looking to improve my skills. I am constantly striving to learn new things and to be the best at what I do. I am also a very friendly person and enjoy working with others.


L’infertilité est une condition courante et souvent débilitante. Dans les premières années, de nombreux couples ignoraient qu’il existait des traitements de fertilité, comme la maternité de substitution, susceptibles de les aider à surmonter leurs problèmes de stérilité, car ces traitements étaient souvent entourés de secret et de formalités juridiques. Mais aujourd’hui, les progrès de la médecine, du droit et de la sensibilisation générale ont permis à la maternité de substitution par FIV de devenir une option de routine populaire pour de nombreuses personnes qui, autrement, n’auraient jamais eu la chance d’avoir un bébé qui partage leurs caractéristiques génétiques. Ces dernières…

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Infertility is a common and often debilitating condition. In the early years, many couples were unaware of the availability of fertility treatments like surrogacy that could help them overcome their infertility issues because it was often shrouded in secrecy and legal red tape. But today, advances in medicine, law, and general awareness have allowed IVF surrogacy to become a popular routine option for many people who might otherwise never have the chance to have a baby who shares their genetic features. In recent years, IVF surrogacy has produced thousands of healthy births, and well-known celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim…

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dental nursing training

La formation d’infirmière dentaire est un processus que toute infirmière dentaire potentielle doit suivre avant de pouvoir commencer sa carrière dans ce domaine. Ce processus permet de s’assurer que tous les infirmiers dentaires sont correctement éduqués et formés aux techniques et procédures les plus récentes. Avec l’évolution des attitudes à l’égard de la profession, les infirmières dentaires sont aujourd’hui traitées avec plus de respect que jamais – comme il se doit ! En quoi consiste donc la formation d’infirmière dentaire ? Si vous envisagez de vous lancer dans une carrière d’infirmière dentaire, cet article de blog est fait pour vous.…

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dental nursing training

Dental Nurse Training is a process that every would-be dental nurse must go through before they can begin their career in the field. This process ensures that all dental nurses are properly educated and trained in the latest techniques and procedures. With changing attitudes toward the profession, dental nurses are now being treated with more respect than ever before – as they should be! So, what does the process of dental nurse training entail? If you’re thinking of embarking on a career in dental nursing, this blog post is for you. We will explore everything you need to know about…

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There are many misconceptions about gestational surrogacy. For example, people often assume that the surrogate is the child’s biological mother. However, this is not the case. A gestational surrogate is a woman who carries and delivers a baby for another couple or individual. The baby is not biologically related to the surrogate. People also assume that surrogates are paid a lot of money for their services. While it is true that surrogates are compensated for their time and effort, they are not paid exorbitant amounts of money. In fact, most surrogates report that they do it for the satisfaction of…

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La maternité de substitution gestationnelle fait l’objet de nombreuses idées fausses. Par exemple, les gens pensent souvent que la mère porteuse est la mère biologique de l’enfant. Or, ce n’est pas le cas. Une mère porteuse gestationnelle est une femme qui porte et met au monde un enfant pour un autre couple ou une autre personne. Le bébé n’est pas biologiquement lié à la mère porteuse. Les gens supposent également que les mères porteuses sont payées très cher pour leurs services. S’il est vrai que les mères porteuses sont rémunérées pour leur temps et leurs efforts, elles ne reçoivent pas…

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Burned Calories Calculator

Are you looking for a way to calculate how many calories you’ve burned during your last workout? Maybe you want to see how many calories you burned while doing household chores? Or, perhaps you’re just curious about how many calories are burned during different activities. If so, you’re in luck! There are now online calculators that can estimate the number of calories burned during any activity. In this blog post, we will share some of the best options for calculating your calorie burn. Burned Calories Calculator [calc-appearance id=9] How to use the Burned Calories Calculator In order to use the…

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Golden ratio face

La calculatrice de visage au nombre d’or est un outil utilisé pour déterminer les proportions idéales d’un visage humain. Le nombre d’or est un rapport mathématique considéré comme esthétique et utilisé dans l’art et l’architecture depuis des siècles. Cet article est disponible en anglais De nombreuses études ont également mis en évidence une forte corrélation entre le visage humain et le nombre d’or phi. On estime que le nombre d’or de beauté est d’environ 1,618. Pour savoir si votre visage est esthétiquement agréable ou s’il correspond au “nombre d’or” de la beauté, utilisez la calculatrice du nombre d’or pour le…

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Golden ratio face

The Golden Ratio Face Calculator is a tool used to determine the ideal proportions of a human face. The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio that is believed to be aesthetically pleasing, and has been used in art and architecture for centuries. THIS ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE IN FRENCH Numerous studies have also found a strong correlation between the human face and the phi golden ratio. It is estimated that the golden beauty ratio is around 1.618. To find out if your face is aesthetically pleasing or fall within the “golden ratio” of beauty, use the Golden Ratio Face Calculator. You…

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Body Calculator

No matter what your sport, having the ideal body proportions for your specific discipline can make a big difference in your performance. That’s why we’ve created this handy calculator, so you can see what proportions are best for your athletic endeavours and also to adjust your workout accordingly. Ideal Body Proportions Calculator For Athlete [calc-appearance id=21] What is the ideal body proportion as an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this question as different athletes will have different ideal body proportions depending on their specific sport and event. However, in general, an athlete’s body should be proportionate with their…

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