Poor skin can be irritating and painful, making it hard to concentrate on anything else in life. While having great skin is an important part of feeling your best, it’s not as easy as just washing your face or applying lotion every day, which doesn’t leave you with a lot of options when you’re pregnant. Is Vaseline lotion safe for pregnant women? Some say it is, while others swear by other brands. So, what’s the truth? In this article, we discuss Vaseline and how it can be used to help keep your skin healthy during pregnancy. So, can you use…
Author: Wisdom Bassey
Pregnant women who consume more dairy products during their pregnancy have an easier time losing the weight they gained during their pregnancy, which helps them return to their pre-pregnancy weights faster than women who don’t eat as much dairy while pregnant. There are several advantages of having yoghurt in your pregnant diet. Women who are pregnant and eat more dairy products also tend to have healthier kids than women who don’t consume as much dairy while pregnant. What Is Hollandia Yoghurt? HOLLANDIA YOGHURT is a delicious, healthy yoghurt drink that mixes yoghurt's richness with the freshness and vitamins of…
A lot of women wonder if Burts Bees products are safe to use during pregnancy. The answer is yes, Burts Bees products have always been at least 95% natural (or more), sustainably sourced and manufactured, and safe for both parents and babies from the company's beginnings. Concealer, eyeshadow, and everything in between is all available at this one-stop store, which uses products like meadowfoam seed oil and green tea extract. Burts Bees ingredients are natural, which may help you feel more comfortable about using them, but they can still be irritating to some women or unsafe in large quantities. Be…
How safe is kojic soap during pregnancy? Does it affect the baby in any way? Many pregnant women worry about the effect of kojic soap on their unborn children and are reluctant to use it. As with most products, there’s no evidence that proves that kojic soap can be harmful to your baby when you use it during pregnancy, but you should always consult your doctor first before using any product, just to be on the safe side. About Kojic Soap Studies have shown that kojic acid can safely lighten your skin when used in moderation. That being said,…
What’s the best moisturizer to use when you’re pregnant? That’s a question many expectant mothers ask, and the answer isn’t always as straightforward as you might think. We turned to board-certified dermatologist Dr Anne Chapas, MD, to find out whether any moisturizers can be used safely during pregnancy and why choosing the right one can be so tricky. Here are her expert tips on how to keep your skin healthy during pregnancy — and which moisturizers you can trust in those nine months. Is Cetaphil moisturizer safe for pregnancy? According to Danielle Ramo, MD, board-certified Dermatologist at Washington Institute of…
Affiliate marketing has become one of the best ways to make money on the internet. And it’s so easy too! If you’re reading this, you probably know what affiliate marketing is, but in case you don’t, here’s a quick rundown: an affiliate marketer finds online retailers and partners with them, then gets paid each time someone buys something from the retailer he or she is promoting. That’s pretty much it! 1. Expertnaire Affiliate Program Expertnaire has been on top of Nigeria’s affiliate programs for a long time, providing affiliates with a wide range of products to promote. Expertnaire…
Hourglass syndrome may be the most widespread condition in the world, but most people have never heard of it. Hourglass Syndrome affects millions of people worldwide, many of whom aren’t even aware of it as the majority of sufferers know something’s wrong with their bodies, but they don’t know how to fix it or even what to call it. You’ve probably never heard of hourglass syndrome, but you may know someone who suffers from it—without realizing that there’s a name for their symptoms. It has been estimated that 12% of the world’s population may suffer from Hourglass Syndrome, with around…
What led to the death of 28-year-old Adrienne Laipple, a young woman from St. Louis, Missouri? The cause of her tragic death was something that many people are unaware of, even in their homes: boric acid suppositories. While this may sound like some kind of new toilet cleaning product, it’s an old drug that has been known to cause serious health problems and even death when ingested or injected improperly. Learn about the risks associated with boric acid suppositories and how you can protect yourself and your family from them here on this blog. Read Also: Why is Amlodipine Banned in…
Have you ever heard of a drug or medication called amlodipine? You might, and also might not have heard about it. Or are there theories or speculations that you have heard about this drug and you wanna verify? Are you a Canadian resident and you want to confirm if amlodipine is available or has been banned in Canada? Then don't worry, this article will answer all these questions. Amlodipine medication has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agencies in some regions of the world but is still banned in certain regions. This article tells you what this…
Have you heard of trigoxin Medicine (also known as furosemide)? If you haven't heard of it, it is a medication used to treat and prevent swelling (oedema) caused by specific disorders such as heart failure, renal disease, and liver disease. It is also used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). This drug can be used alone or in combination with other medicines. Trigoxin Medicine is available in tablet and liquid form and is frequently combined with other medications in a single pillbox. Each version has its unique function, side effects, and cautions that might lead to issues if you do…