Le syndrome de Turner est surtout connu comme la maladie qui a rendu le doigt de Ringo Starr plus court que celui des autres Beatles, mais c'est bien plus que cela. Il s'agit d'une maladie chromosomique dans laquelle les femmes n'ont qu'un seul chromosome X au lieu de deux. Ces gènes ont des répercussions différentes sur leur corps, mais grâce à leur ouverture sur la question tout au long de leur vie et de leur profession, nous allons découvrir plusieurs personnes célèbres atteintes du syndrome de Turner (ST). Cet article est disponible en anglais Les célébrités atteintes du syndrome de…
Author: Wisdom Bassey
Turner syndrome is most known as the ailment that caused Ringo Starr's finger to be shorter than the other Beatles', but it is much more than that. It is a chromosomal condition in which females have only one X chromosome rather than two. This article is available in French These genes impact their bodies in different ways, but because of their openness about the issue throughout their lives and professions, we will learn about several famous people with Turner Syndrome (TS). Celebrities with Turner syndrome may be difficult to identify to the untrained eye. They appear to be regular people…
Foldable bicycles provide a practical method to go from place to place while getting some exercise and connecting with the outdoors, but their (sometimes considerable) size makes them tough to store at home and even more difficult to tote on the go. Fortunately, foldable bikes provide a brilliant solution to this widespread issue. Foldable bicycles seem similar to regular cycles, but their ability to be compacted into a fraction of their original size makes them a space-saving dream. This practical design can also increase your zest for adventure, as they're ideal for multimodal travels (trips that involve more than one…
Nigerian dry fish is a type of fish that has been carefully smoked over time until it is dried and dry. Different types of fish are dried and marketed, some of which are more delicious than others. Fish of all sizes, huge and little, are dried for food. Some are sliced into pieces before drying, while others are dried whole, folded or bent and kept in place with a thread or stick for storage. Nigerian dried fish is a frequent ingredient in many Nigerian dishes. It is created by smoking various types of fish; there are many different varieties of…
The process of taking semen from the anus and transporting it to one's mouth with one's hands or other items, including the penis itself, is referred to as felching. When you hear the word felching, you might think it's simply another pleasant sex act between two consenting adults, but it can be considerably more hazardous if done wrong. In this post, we'll discuss what felching is, how it's done, and why some people do it, as well as the potential health dangers and the best ways to treat it if you choose to do it nevertheless. What is Felching? Felching…
A calculus bridge, also known as a tartar bridge, is when deposits of calculus or tartar build-up on your teeth and cause the gums to recede, resulting in an unsightly line of brown or tan along the edge of your teeth by your gumline. In some cases, this unsightly line looks more like a dark line that runs across the teeth’s surfaces, rather than along the gumline. Either way, it’s not something you want hanging around your smile! What is a calculus bridge? As plaque accumulates on teeth, dental calculus can form. Calculus is a hard yellow-brown substance that forms…
The first time I experienced this weird sensation, I thought I had wet myself. Watery discharge feels like I peed myself, but it’s actually not urine at all, but the natural vaginal secretions that help keep your vagina healthy and clean. Having an excess of these secretions or experiencing them after making love can be upsetting, but don’t worry—there are things you can do to manage the condition and prevent it from happening again in the future. This article will explain why there's a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself and what you can do about it! Read…
One of the happiest months of my life was last month. Halfway through the month, I had already made a little over $500 from the Best Fitness Affiliated Programs in Nigeria I had signed up for. I honestly doubted it would be worthwhile because they were Nigerian weight loss affiliate programmes, and we all know how reckless we can be with our weight in this country. Not to take anything away from the fact that we as Nigerians care about our health, but weight loss has always seemed to be a thing for special people, particularly those in the upper…
The creator of the Weight Loss Evolved program is Paul Kingsley, the guy who you’ve probably never heard of, but don’t let that fool you into thinking they don’t know what they’re talking about. They claim to have seen so many fad diets come and go that they want to help others avoid them and achieve real, long-lasting weight loss with their program. But do they? Read on to discover this, as I'm writing this article based on my personal experience. Why the focus on Weight Loss? There are hundreds of weight loss products on the market today, each with…
Birth control pills are the most popular method of contraception in Nigeria and around the world, but with so many options to choose from, choosing the right pill can be difficult. Many approved birth control pills are safe and effective in preventing pregnancy, but it’s important to learn how they differ so you can pick one that works best for you and your lifestyle. This article explains how each of these birth control pills works and lists the risks associated with each one. Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any birth control pill to ensure that it’s…