After completing their nursing program, nursing students are often confused between pursuing a career as a Hospital Nurse or a Community Health Worker. There are several differences between Hospital and Community Health workers. Community nursing strives to reduce the number of patients who need hospital care, while hospital nurses frequently deal with diseases after they have advanced. You will be able to tell the difference between hospital and community health nurses after reading this article. Major Differences between a Hospital Nurse and a Community Nurse or Health Worker Below are the basic differences between a hospital Nurse and a community…
Author: Wisdom Bassey
Antibacterial characteristics in medicated soaps help to care for your skin and treat skin concerns, thus they are highly suggested for usage. Medicated soaps do not include any chemicals that might irritate or create inflammation in your skin. Despite their potency, medicated soaps are typically gentle enough to be used on both the face and the body. Do you want to know how to get rid of acne using the best medicated? We’ve analyzed the best 15 medicated soaps in Nigeria, identifying which important chemicals make them efficient and if they were compatible with all skin types. Read on to…
Les caractéristiques antibactériennes des Meilleur savon médicamenteux aident à soigner la peau et à traiter les problèmes cutanés, c'est pourquoi leur utilisation est fortement recommandée. Les savons médicamenteux ne contiennent aucun produit chimique susceptible d'irriter ou d'enflammer la peau. Malgré leur puissance, les savons médicamenteux sont généralement assez doux pour être utilisés sur le visage et le corps. Voulez-vous savoir comment vous débarrasser de l'acné en utilisant les meilleurs savons médicamenteux ? Nous avons analysé les 15 meilleurs savons médicamenteux du Nigeria, en identifiant les produits chimiques importants qui les rendent efficaces et en déterminant s'ils sont compatibles avec tous…
Pimples may affect anybody, male or female, at any time in their lives. But more especially among young persons entering puberty. Pimples and dark spots may appear anywhere on your body, and they can be tough to get rid of. If you have pimple-prone skin, you must take efforts to treat it since it has a negative impact on your appearance and self-esteem. Pimples may form when your skin's pores get blocked with bacteria. Hormones, food, bacteria, stress, and heredity also contribute to this skin disorder. It's inconvenient to wake up with a pimple on your face. Isn't that so?…
Les boutons et les taches sombres peuvent apparaître n'importe où sur votre corps et il peut être difficile de s'en débarrasser. Les boutons peuvent toucher n'importe qui, homme ou femme, à n'importe quel moment de la vie. Mais plus particulièrement chez les jeunes qui entrent dans la puberté. Si vous avez une peau sujette aux boutons, vous devez vous efforcer de les traiter car ils ont un impact négatif sur votre apparence et votre estime de soi. Les boutons se forment lorsque les pores de la peau sont obstrués par des bactéries. Les hormones, l'alimentation, les bactéries, le stress et…
Si vous vivez dans la partie septentrionale du Nigeria, il est probable que vous connaissiez le "fura da nono". Il s'agit d'un gruau africain bien connu, fabriqué et consommé principalement par les habitants du Nord. En anglais, Fura de nunu se traduit par "milk" (lait) et "millet gruel" (gruau de mil). Les Hausas l'appellent Fura da Nono, mais la plupart des Nigérians l'appellent Fura de Nunu. C'est un repas nourrissant et rassasiant. Le Nono ou Nunu est un yaourt local épais et grumeleux issu de la fermentation du lait de vache. Le nono est fabriqué à partir de lait fermenté…
If you live in the northern part of Nigeria, you're more likely to be familiar with “fura da nono”. It is a well-known African gruel made and consumed mostly by Northerners. In English, Fura de nunu translates as "milk" and "millet gruel". The Hausas refer to it as Fura da Nono, but the bulk of Nigerians refer to it as Fura de Nunu. It's a nutritious and filling meal. Nono or Nunu is a thick lumpy local yoghurt made from the fermentation of cow milk. Nono is made from fermented milk after the fatty component known as Man shanu is separated…
Les produits éclaircissants pour la peau contenant des substances illégales peuvent mettre la santé des gens en danger. Bien qu'elles soient interdites, certaines personnes ne se doutent pas que les crèmes éclaircissantes pour la peau peuvent avoir des effets négatifs sur leur santé. La Local Government Association (LGA), qui représente les conseils d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles, a déclaré qu'il était encore possible d'acheter des produits illégaux dans la rue. L'organisation a mis en garde contre le fait que les crèmes éclaircissantes sont devenues de plus en plus populaires et que des "produits nocifs de qualité inférieure" contenant des…
Skin lightening products containing illegal substances may put people's health at risk. Although banned some people have no idea Skin lightening creams could possibly affect their health negatively. The Local Government Association (LGA), which represents councils in England and Wales, said that illegal items were still available for purchase on the high street. The organization has cautioned that as skin-lightening creams have become more popular, "inferior harmful goods" containing substances like the bleaching agent hydroquinone and mercury have infiltrated the market. The "biological equivalent of paint remover," hydroquinone, may destroy the top layer of skin, raising the risk of skin…
Pregnant women are often given a laundry list of foods and activities to avoid, which may be confusing and stressful. Lipton tea is not left out of this list! Although there is some debate over the safety of caffeine during pregnancy, tea, even caffeinated Lipton tea, seems to be safe as long as it is taken in moderation. This article will explain more on whether a pregnant woman should or should not have Lipton tea. Lipton tea is okay for pregnant women when taken in moderation While there are some worries that caffeine use may be harmful during pregnancy, it…