Life is so busy and stressful these days and when we get the rare opportunity to have a day off then it’s a good idea to use it to de-stress. There are various ways to achieve this and much of it depends on what you like to do and what your preferences are.
Here we look at 5 of the best ways to de-stress when you find yourself with a day off.
Sleep In
Lack of sleep is one of the biggest contributors to stress, it’s said that the optimum amount of sleep for a grown adult is 7-8 hours per night, but how many of us achieve that? I know with commuting, family life, etc. can make this difficult, but any improvements in this area can make a noticeable difference.
Re-Connect With Nature
In our day to day lives it's all too easy to go long periods and never connecting with nature. This is especially true if we live our lives in the city, we get caught in the routine of commute, work, home, and bed. So when we get the chance it's amazing how much a trip out into the country the hills or even just a nature reserve or park. There are so many activities to choose from that it can be as simple as a picnic, right up to climbing a mountain.
Have a Spa Day
Why not treat yourself to a spa day? If you have the time off and are looking to relax why not have someone else do it all for you? A good spa will make it the perfect balance of comfort, relaxation, and useful treatments. We’ve found that SpaMedica clinic in Toronto ticks all these boxes and has a great facility with first-rate staff on hand.
Relaxing, sitting around and being pampered may be the perfect way to relax and feel good for some of us, but for others we need to be active and doing things, even to relax. This may sound odd to others but everyone has their own way. So for the more active of us then it makes perfect sense to get a chance to exercise. This can be as simple as a trip to the gym or playing a sport or activity that we don’t often get the chance to, you may be an avid ice skater and take that chance to get down to the rink.
Eat Well
Eating well can really fall into two categories, there is going out and having a huge lunch, lots of your favourite foods and a massive desert! Yummy! But this is not really going to de-stress you, I mean it's unhealthy, and, if you're anything like me you're then going to stress about what you ate and how it's ruining your dietary plan. We are more talking about taking the opportunity to eat well and healthily, you can cut out the extra coffees and garbage foods that we fall into the trap of eating when we’re rushing around on our working schedule.