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- What is this Black Ginger?
- Other Names of Black Ginger
- How Black Ginger is Taken?
- Composition of Black Ginger
- Sources of Black Ginger
- What is the Difference Between Normal Ginger and Black Ginger?
- Uses of Black Ginger
- Does Black Ginger have any Side Effects?
- Things to Note when Using Black Ginger
- Warnings & Special Precautions Black Ginger
- Interactions to Note and Avoid about Black Ginger
- So, is Black Ginger Better than the Normal Ginger? – Normal Ginger Vs. Black Ginger
- The Takeaway
Ginger is good for the body! Ginger should always be among your food condiments! Ginger supplies nutrients essential for the body’s health! We have definitely heard these statements many times over from our doctors, nutritionists, dieticians, and of course our mums.
But one thing most of them forget to tell us is which type of ginger they are talking about. Yeah true, ginger gives essential nutrients to the body and we should always incorporate it into our daily meals, but which species of ginger are they talking about? Are there different types of ginger for some people?
And this brings us to the focus of this article – ‘Black Ginger’. I know that some of you are like; Really? Do we also have black ginger? And I know others will be wondering what other colors of ginger are there. Like is there pink or purple ginger as well? Haha, I don’t know as well, but what I do know is that we do have black ginger.
Now is there anything special about this black ginger? Does it have more health benefits than normal ginger? What of the side effects? How do you prepare it? Well, Healthsoothe will answer all these questions and other questions you might have as well concerning this black ginger.
Kee reading to find out if there is anything unique about this black ginger or whether it’s all a hoax.
What is this Black Ginger?
Black Ginger is part of the Zingiberaceae family, another famous member is Turmeric, with 52 genera and 1300 species. Normal Ginger is in the same family and is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, antifungal, benefits for regulating blood sugar and helping nausea, and as a digestion aid.
Black Ginger (Kaempferia parviflora) is a close relative of Ginger, comes from Thailand, and has a dark purple color with a taste that has a spiciness to it, but is much more subdued than ginger. It has a hint of the normal spiciness and heat that you would get with ginger, with an earthy flavor.
Black Ginger whose botanical name is Kaempferia Parviflora, and is commonly known as Thai Ginseng is a root plant, just like the normal ginger, and is marketed as an aphrodisiac and glucose support agent; its effects on testosterone and aphrodisia are generally unknown; it may be (somewhat) erectogenic through several methods.
Other Names of Black Ginger
Black Ginger is also known as:
- Black Turmeric
- Kaempferia Parviflora
- Krachai Dum
- Thai Ginseng
- Black Galingale
Black Ginger should not be mistaken or confused with the following:
- Turmeric (looks the same, but contains different active compounds)
- Kaempferol (removed flavonoid)
How Black Ginger is Taken?
The dried rhizome–black ginger is generally pulverized and used as tea bags, while the fresh one is utilized to brew wine. Wine preparation is increasingly used in Thailand as a tonic and as an aphrodisiac. As dietary supplements, it has been made into various preparations such as medicinal liquor or liquor plus honey, pills (powdered rhizome with honey), capsules, and tablets.
Black ginger, after it is harvested, is usually processed into powdery form and 0.5-1 teaspoon of the powder is prepared into a tea and drunk around 1-2 hours before athletic performance, according to the traditional use.
This is identical to the 1.2g daily amount advised by the Thai Traditional Medicine Institute, and the one human research on the subject (which failed to show an immediate benefit) used 1.35g.
Lower dosages have been shown to have general health preventive benefits, but there is insufficient data to identify an ideal dose.
Composition of Black Ginger
The following are the compositions or constituents of black ginger:
- The three 'main' methoxy-flavonoids 5,7-dimethoxyflavone (DMF) at 0.289%, 5,7,4'-trimethoxyflavone (TMF) at 0.0101%, 3,5,7,3',4'-pentamethoxyflavone (PMF) and a variety of other polymethoxy-flavonoids.
- 5-hydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyflavone at 0.0252%; a methoxy-flavone that appears to be well researched but is not one of the 'primary' three.
- Kaempferiaosides A and B with similar glycosides as well as Kaempferiaosides C and D (flav-3-en-3-ol glycosides) as well as E and F (acetophenone glycosides).
- Techtochrysin (Methoxy derivative of Chrysin) at 0.131% dry weight.
- 7,4′-dimethylapigenin at 0.0453%, trimethylapigenin at 1.29% (methylated derivatives of Apigenin).
- Tetramethylluteolin at 0.0312% (a derivative of Luteolin)
- 3,7,4′-trimethylkaempferol at 0.0719% and tetramethylkaempferol at 0.0070% (derivatives of Kaempferol)
- Tilianine (Methanolic fragment)
- Ayanin at 0.0111%
- Retusine at 0.0215%
- Pentamethylquercetin at 0.391% (A methylated derivative of Quercetin
- Sesquiterpenoids 4αα-acetoxycadina-2,9-diene-1,8-dione and 1αα,3αα,4ββ-trihydroxy-9-cadinen-8-one
- (2R,3R)-(−)-aromadendrin trimethyl ether (ethanol acetate fragment)
- Tamarixetin 3-O-rutinoside (Methanolic fragment)
- Syringetin 3-O-rutinoside (Methanolic fragment)
- 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone 2,4-di-O-β-D-glucopyranoside
- Adenosine
- L-phenylalanine
A thermostable lectin (sugar-binding protein) in the rhizome at 0.45% Due to the high methoxy-flavone content, this plant has a respectable antioxidant profile in vitro. Some of the above methoxy-flavones also exist in glycoside form.
In general, the 'Kaempferosides' appear to be unique to Kaempferia Parviflora but are not seen as the active ingredients. The methoxyflavones (flavones with methoxy groups attached to them) are seen as the main compounds, with the three known as DMF, TMF, and PMF being the most commonly researched.
This plant also appears to take standard bioflavonoid compounds and add either methoxy or methyl groups to their structures
Sources of Black Ginger
Black ginger is a Thai medicinal plant that has been used as an aphrodisiac as well as for general health enhancement and stimulation. So, therefore, black ginger can be mostly found in Thailand.
What is the Difference Between Normal Ginger and Black Ginger?
Black Ginger (Kaempferia parviflora) is a close relative of Ginger, comes from Thailand, and has a dark purple color with a taste that has a spiciness to it, but is much more subdued than ginger. It has a hint of the normal spiciness and heat that you would get with ginger, with an earthy flavor.
Uses of Black Ginger
Black ginger, the rhizome of Kaempferia parviflora (Zingiberaceae), has traditionally been used as food and folk medicine for more than 1000 years in Thailand. In Thai traditional medicine, black ginger has been claimed to cure allergies, asthma, impotence, gout, diarrhea, dysentery, peptic ulcer, and diabetes.
A study in 2012 by Zingiber officinale Improves Cognitive Function of the Middle-Aged Healthy Women showed that ginger helped protect middle-aged women from cognitive decline.
Kaempferia Parviflora (Thai Ginseng) is a plant with some historical and therapeutic uses in Thailand and the surrounding countries for treating metabolic illnesses and boosting vigor. It is also said to be an aphrodisiac and a physical booster.
Traditionally used in Thai folk medicine for thousands of years, recent studies are now showing results in performance enhancements – Black ginger extract increases physical fitness performance and muscular endurance by improving inflammation and energy metabolism.
Black ginger also helps in the following:
- Physical Endurance
- Muscular strength gains
- Fat burner
- Neuroprotective and stress-modulator
- Improved memory
- Enhanced production of ATP and mitochondrial biogenesis
- Vasodilation which may help with Sexual performance
Thai Ginseng research is now at a modest stage, with human studies beginning. It looks to be 'healthy' and an excellent source of methoxy-flavones, a type of bioflavonoid molecule having methoxy groups attached to them.
Having said that, studies on its aphrodisiac effects in mice show that low dosages are weak to moderate in efficacy, while greater amounts have no effect. It does not seem to enhance testosterone in otherwise normal rats (though it may be in castrated rats), and although it appears to have a number of pro-erectile pathways, its effectiveness in a live system has not been explored.
The mechanism of pro-erectility is very distinct and intriguing, however, the one research that looked at whether it might block PDE5 (one of Viagra's mechanisms) failed to prove if it was selective. Selective PDE5 inhibitors are excellent pro-erectiles with few side effects, however, non-selectivity (which is presently unknown) may cause gastrointestinal adverse effects.
At least one research found that it may improve functioning and cardiovascular performance in otherwise healthy people over the age of 60, however, an acute trial in adolescents found no performance-enhancing benefits at 1.35g (recommended dose, or at least near it).
Thai Ginseng now seems to be mildly promising in terms of pro-erectility, with the other claims being no better than other alternative supplement options.
Other benefits associated with this plant include anti-depressant, anti-peptic ulcer, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and anti-allergic properties.
A large number of recent studies have demonstrated the biological activities of black ginger extract (Kaempferia parviflora extract: KPE) and polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) including anti-oxidative activity, etc.
KPE has been shown to improve physical fitness performance in clinical studies. The anti-oxidative activity of KPE has been implicated in its beneficial effects. We previously reported that PMFs in KPE increased energy production through AMPK activation-induced improvements of metabolism in myocytes.
For the beneficial effects of black ginger on health, we have developed a powdered black ginger extract as a healthy food ingredient and put it on the market, which is known as Black Ginger Extract that has been standardized to contain not less than 2.5% of 5,7-dimethoxyflavone and 10% of total PMFs. The healthy function of black ginger has been continuously investigated.
The beneficial effects of black ginger on fatigue or muscular endurance have not yet been investigated. Based on the findings described above, we herein evaluated the effects of KPE on physical fitness performance and muscular endurance in mice.
In order to clarify the underlying mechanisms of action, the soleus muscle and blood were collected from mice administered KPE, and various parameters related to physical fitness performance, muscular endurance, inflammation, metabolism in mitochondria, and the accumulation of glycogen were evaluated.
Furthermore, in an attempt to identify active compounds in KPE, PMFs were evaluated in mouse myoblasts.
Does Black Ginger have any Side Effects?
Going through this article, you will realize that studies and investigations are still being carried out for this rhizome to determine all that it is capable of, and its side effects haven't been seen yet.
But it is advised to consume black ginger in appropriate quantities and confirm with your dietician or nutritionist before taking it because some people are allergic to black ginger and you might be one of them.
Eating excess black ginger can lead to side effects like bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea/dysentery. So always make sure to eat appropriate amounts.
Things to Note when Using Black Ginger
When taken by mouth: Ginger is probably safe when used orally. Heartburn, diarrhea, burping, and overall stomach pain are all possible moderate side effects. The risk of adverse effects rises with greater daily dosages of 5 grams.
When applied to the skin: Ginger may be safe for short-term usage when applied topically. Some individuals could have skin sensitivity from it.
Warnings & Special Precautions Black Ginger
- Pregnancy: Ginger is probably safe to consume while pregnant when added to meals. When used orally as medication during pregnancy, it could be safe. Some professionals advise avoiding using it close to the delivery date since it might raise the chance of bleeding. However, it seems to be safe to take for morning sickness without endangering the unborn child. Before consuming ginger while pregnant, see your healthcare professional.
- Breastfeeding: Ginger is probably safe when used in meals during nursing. There isn't enough trustworthy data to determine if ingesting more ginger when nursing is safe. Avoid usage to be on the safe side.
- Children: When consumed orally for up to 4 days around the beginning of their menstruation, ginger may be safe for teens.
- Disorders of bleeding: Taking ginger may make you more prone to bleeding
Interactions to Note and Avoid about Black Ginger
- Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interact with black ginger: Ginger may prevent blood clots. The risk of bleeding and bruising may rise if ginger is taken combined with drugs that help reduce blood coagulation.
- Phenprocoumon (Marcoumar, among other things) and black ginger interact: To prevent blood clots, phenprocoumon is utilized. Blood clotting may also be slowed by ginger. When used with phenprocoumon, ginger may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. Make sure to routinely get your blood examined. You may need to adjust the dosage of your phenprocoumon.
- Black ginger interacts with coumadin (warfarin): Blood clotting is slowed down by warfarin. Blood clotting may also be slowed by ginger. Warfarin and ginger together may make it more likely that you may bruise and bleed. Make sure to routinely get your blood examined. You may need to adjust the warfarin dosage.
- Black ginger interacts with nifedipine (Procardia): If you take ginger and nifedipine together, you run a higher risk of bleeding and bruising.
- Black ginger reacts with losartan (Cozaar): Losartan absorption may be increased by ginger. Losartan's effects and adverse effects may be exacerbated if ginger is also taken.
- Diabetes medications (anti-diabetes medications) interact with black ginger: Blood sugar levels may be lowered with ginger. Blood sugar levels might go dangerously low if ginger is taken combined with diabetic medicines. Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.
- Black ginger interacts with calcium channel blockers, a kind of blood pressure medication: Perhaps ginger can reduce blood pressure. Combining ginger with blood pressure-lowering drugs may result in dangerously low blood pressure. Pay special attention to your blood pressure.
- Black ginger reacts with cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune): The body may absorb more cyclosporine if ginger is consumed two hours before cyclosporine. This might exacerbate cyclosporine's adverse effects. However, taking ginger at the same time as cyclosporine does not seem to influence how much of the drug is absorbed by the body.
- Black ginger reacts with metronidazole (Flagyl): Metronidazole absorption may be boosted by ginger. Combining ginger with metronidazole may intensify both the drug's benefits and negative effects.
So, is Black Ginger Better than the Normal Ginger? – Normal Ginger Vs. Black Ginger
From all the benefits of black ginger outlined in this article, you can see that the health benefits of black ginger outweigh the normal ginger, and it also has a huge plus of being related to turmeric, whose potent curcumin ingredient is being studied for its potential to extend life, relieve pain, and support chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
The Takeaway
You've probably never heard of Black Ginger, a superfood, but you should keep an eye on this new supplement. Yes, it is very much better than the normal ginger you normally use.
It is also related to turmeric, whose potent curcumin ingredient is being studied for its potential to extend life, relieve pain, and support chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Black Ginger extract is also good for blood clots sickness and other illnesses that were mentioned in the content.