- Common sports-related medical emergencies
- Preventing Sports-Related Emergencies
- Cardiac Arrest How to Respond with CPR?
- Conclusion
Playing an active sport makes your muscles work hard. It also allows you to sweat, which releases toxins from your system. But, playing without preparation can cause accidents and lead to severe injuries. People who play sports should follow specific rules to save themselves from such damage. This blog talks about the common injuries a sportsperson can get. You will also learn how to prevent sports-related injuries and how a CPR certification can help you.
Common sports-related medical emergencies
Playing sports keeps the body lean and allows you to join a team. While playing is fun, you must also know about the below sports-related medical emergencies.
1. Heat Stroke: A heat stroke is life-threatening when the body's temperature rises to dangerously high levels. It is often caused by exercising in hot weather without proper hydration.
2. Concussion: It is a head injury that can cause various symptoms. Some common ones include headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
3. Sprains: Sprains and strains are injuries to the ligaments and tendons that connect bones. They can occur in any sport, but they are most common in sports involving sudden direction or jumping changes.
4. Heat Exhaustion: It is less severe than heat stroke but can still be dangerous. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body's temperature rises too high but not as high as in heat stroke.
5. Anaphylaxis: When an allergic reaction becomes life-threatening, it is called an anaphylaxis shock. It can be caused by exposure to allergens, including foods, insect stings, and medications.
Preventing Sports-Related Emergencies
Getting hurt or injured is a part of life. The best you can do is prevent it. Here are some tips on how to prevent sports-related emergencies:
1. Warm up before you exercise. It will help to prepare your body for activity and reduce your risk of injury.
2. Cool down after you exercise. It will help your body to recover and reduce your risk of injury.
3. Listen to your body. If you are feeling tired or dizzy, stop exercising and rest.
4. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise.
5. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear. It will help protect you from injuries.
6. Be aware of the weather conditions. If it is hot outside, take extra precautions to stay calm.
7. Know the signs and symptoms of common sports-related medical emergencies.
8. Have a designated first-aid provider present at all sporting events.
9. Make sure all participants know the emergency action plan and have valid CPR certifications.
10. Have a clear communication plan in place in case of an emergency.
11. Keep emergency equipment, such as a defibrillator, accessible at all times.
12. Be aware of the location of the nearest hospital or urgent care facility.
Cardiac Arrest How to Respond with CPR?
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is when the heart suddenly stops beating. It can happen for various reasons, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. If someone has SCA, they need CPR and defibrillation to restart their heart.
If you see someone collapse during a sports event, you must check for signs of SCA. These signs include:
1. Unconsciousness: The person is not responding to you or other people. If the person does not respond upon mild shaking, they are surely unconscious.
2. No Breathing: The person is not breathing or is only gasping for air. You should not confuse gasping for breathing. If the breathing sounds different than normal, get help.
3. No Pulse: You cannot feel a pulse in the person's neck or chest.
If you see someone with these signs, call 911 immediately and start CPR. CPR is a life-saving technique. It can help to keep the person's blood flowing and oxygenated until help arrives.
To perform CPR, follow these steps:
1. Check the person's responsiveness. Tap them on the shoulder and shout, "Are you okay?"
2. If the person is not responsive, call 911.
3. Place your hands in the CPR position and start compressions.
4. Lock your elbows and straighten your arms.
5. Press down on the chest with a firm, steady rhythm.
6. The depth of each compression should be about 2 inches.
7. The rate of compression should be about 100 per minute.
8. Continue CPR until help arrives.
If you have a defibrillator available, use it immediately after starting CPR. A defibrillator delivers a calculated electric shock to the heart that can help to restart it.
CPR is a unique technique that mimics the movement of the heart. It pumps blood across your body and keeps it alive until experts arrive. A CPR certification can help you learn the techniques needed to save lives. With this course, you can also apply for the medic position on a sports team. The American HealthCare Academy has the best online courses. You can get a recognized CPR certification upon completing the course. The platform also grants you continuing education credits when you finish a life-saving course. So, log onto the AHCA website today and pick the course of your choice.