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- What is Boric Acid?
- Why take Boric Acid Suppositories?
- The Dangers of Boric Acid Suppositories
- A Victims Story
- What to do Before Taking Suppository Drugs
- What Does Boric Acid Do to You?
- Conclusion and Recommendations
What led to the death of 28-year-old Adrienne Laipple, a young woman from St. Louis, Missouri? The cause of her tragic death was something that many people are unaware of, even in their homes: boric acid suppositories.
While this may sound like some kind of new toilet cleaning product, it’s an old drug that has been known to cause serious health problems and even death when ingested or injected improperly.
Learn about the risks associated with boric acid suppositories and how you can protect yourself and your family from them here on this blog.
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What is Boric Acid?
Boric acid is a white, crystalline powder. It is not soluble in water but it dissolves easily in alcohol and most organic solvents. When pure, it has very low toxicity, however, when impure it can be toxic.
Most often, household borax products are composed of roughly 50%–70% borax (anhydrous sodium tetraborate), with most of its weight coming from other components like moisture and fillers.
The name borax comes from Persian buraq, which means tribal leader, and was borrowed into Arabic as buraq/buraq, which gave rise to the Spanish word for Buraq (Barraco) from which Borax derives.
Why take Boric Acid Suppositories?
Boric acid suppositories are used to treat bacterial vaginosis. However, in rare cases like in my mother’s case, it can cause inflammation and sometimes death. A woman was prescribed vaginal boric acid by her gynaecologist.
She had no idea that it could kill her when she took it orally rather than inserting it as directed.
I want people to know what happened to her so they don’t have to go through what she did.
Please watch out for Boric Acid Suppositories, especially if you have been diagnosed with cancer or some other disease that causes your immune system to be compromised.
The Dangers of Boric Acid Suppositories
Ingesting large quantities of boric acid may cause adverse health effects and even death. If swallowed, call a poison control centre or seek medical attention immediately.
Boric acid may also cause damage to tissues upon contact; symptoms include skin irritation, burns, and potentially permanent scarring.
Chronic exposure may lead to low bone mineral density and/or skeletal abnormalities such as malformations or fibrous dysplasia. Avoid repeated or prolonged exposure via inhalation.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends never working in environments where airborne concentrations exceed 10 ppm (mg/m3) because of concerns about cancer risks to workers in those conditions.
The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists has set an occupational exposure limit at 0.1 mg/m3 over eight hours.
Long-term occupational exposures have been associated with chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary oedema, and pneumoconiosis—all of which can be fatal.
The side effects of taking them orally include dehydration, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain.
It is important to note that serious complications can occur within a few hours after ingestion such as severe cramping abdominal pain and bloody diarrhoea leading to shock which may result in death.
If you experience any of these symptoms seek medical attention immediately. The only reason why my mother lived is that we caught it early enough... but many others aren’t so lucky... make sure you share my post on social media so we can spread awareness about how dangerous Boric Acid Suppositories are!
A Victims Story
When Adrienne saw a TV show promoting Boric Acid as a way to get rid of belly fat, she decided to order some online.
Little did she know that less than 12 hours later, she would be in so much pain that her husband would have to rush her to the hospital.
It turns out, Boric Acid isn't effective for weight loss; it is, however, extremely dangerous for your health.
The Liapple family has been through an ordeal like no other, and now they want to make sure other people don't have to go through anything similar...
A Tragic Story That Shouldn't Be Forgotten: I met with Mr Liapple to discuss his wife's unfortunate death and what he could do to prevent others from experiencing something similar.
As you can imagine, losing his wife was devastating—but he says he'll do whatever it takes to prevent others from going through what his family went through.
What to do Before Taking Suppository Drugs
Suppository drugs are usually placed in the rectum before being absorbed into your bloodstream.
They can be used to treat some medical conditions, such as erectile dysfunction or prostate enlargement and other issues.
One reason why you may not want to use suppository drugs is that they do not go through any real filtration system when they're placed inside your body.
This means you'll be exposed to whatever is inside the medication, regardless of what it contains.
If you have been prescribed a suppository drug, make sure to take these precautions before using it.
What Does Boric Acid Do to You?
Boric acid has been used as an insecticide and for medicinal purposes for years. It’s made primarily of boron, a naturally occurring element found in many miners, including granite, apple seeds, colour, etc.
When ingested (swallowed), it can damage your stomach, intestines and liver. It may also cause inflammation in your joints or skin rash.
Death by ingestion is uncommon but can occur if someone drinks a large amount of water after ingesting it.
The death is usually caused by extreme dehydration since boric acid prevents you from absorbing water through your digestive tract and also damages your kidneys.
In other words, drinking lots of water won’t help—it will just speed up how quickly you die. Ingestion of boric acid can also lead to diarrhoea and vomiting.
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Conclusion and Recommendations
Throughout my search for evidence to support or reject one popular theory about which medications are most likely to cause death, I kept returning to a single point over and over again: The risks posed by any particular medication depend on your health history, genetic makeup, body mass index, family history of the disease, and dietary intake.
You must be aware that there are risks associated with taking medications because as many as 1 in 10 people who die while taking prescription drugs—including antibiotics—do so as a result of using them.
This is also true for non-prescription drugs such as aspirin. People should seek medical attention immediately if they experience severe nausea along with prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea.
Of course, not everyone who has died after taking an antibiotic did so because of an adverse reaction.
And it’s possible that some people were suffering from a bacterial infection despite receiving treatment.
However, given how widespread these deaths have become, it’s important to remember that every time you take an antibiotic you increase your risk of developing C difficile colitis by up to 40%.
That’s why it’s important to take precautions when taking antibiotics; always follow dosage instructions carefully and don't stop taking them until you're told to do so.
And if you start experiencing symptoms like diarrhoea or abdominal pain within days of starting a new course of antibiotics, contact your doctor right away.