You are ready to leave days as an addict behind. The days when you made mistakes and turned to alcohol and other drugs that led you to addiction, now you are ready to leave that and lead a sober life. We know that the process of withdrawing from substance abuse is quite a demanding process but not impossible. Being able to resist drugs and taking a step towards recovery is a positive step. But for that, joining west palm beach rehab or recovery center is a must to maximize your chances of staying sober and continuing your journey to a drug-free life.
You are ready to join but still fearful of the unknown world of rehab centers. You don’t have to be. Joining and experiencing addiction treatment programs can be intimidating for many addicts because they are unaware of what is to come. That is why we are bringing you precise information on what to expect when you join an addiction treatment program so that you can walk the path of your recovery without fear.
1. Entry and Check-In
Information about check-ins is usually not given, but we believe it is necessary to know what you will encounter upon entering the Treatment Center. That is the moment when your program officially begins. Upon checking in treatment centers, like Charleston Recovery Center, you will be interviewed by a staff member. They will inquire about your health and addiction so they can understand you more. That is a crucial step, where you should provide all the information about yourself for your customized treatment plan. And also remember, Garden State Treatment Center will be your home for a while until you complete your program.
2. Detox
Once you are enrolled and assessed, the first program in your customized treatment plan will include detoxification. During this process, the drugs and alcohol are removed from your body. Now everyone reacts differently to it, and it may be physically difficult for some. But it is a crucial step as it cleanses the body. You may also experience withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, shakiness, mood swings, convulsions, agitation, etc., for which you will be given medication to prevent that and make detox easier. This process can take up to 15 days, depending on the usage and duration of substances.
3. Behavioral Therapy
Individual behavioral therapy is the next step in which one-on-one sessions with a health professional will be carried out. In the sessions, you will go through personal education, where you will focus on yourself and what effect the addiction has on your psyche. Your therapist will help you identify what triggers your addiction, after which you can work on developing coping skills to deal with those triggers. Some of the types of behavioral therapies you might be offered are:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy- helps recognize behavioral responses to thought patterns.
- Trauma-focused- helps make the connection between trauma and behavior
- Dialectical behavioral therapy- helps with dealing with drug abuses and other diagnoses.
4. Family Therapy
In many cases, family and friends unintentionally enable drug and alcohol abuse towards the person who is addicted. Family therapy can help them learn how they might be contributing to the addiction, and these sessions will also provide reliable support from your family. Having supporters throughout your journey will help you gain more strength and self-esteem. During this family counseling, your family members will also learn how to support you fully, after you leave the rehab facility. It will be easier to work through the withdrawal and painful emotions with your family, partner, and friends by your side.
5. Aftercare
At the end of treatment, your counselor or health professional will have come up with a plan to transition you from treatment to a normal routine where you will learn about resources that can support your treatment recovery. This plan will also include strategies for developing connections with groups that can motivate you, and this is essential for long-term recovery. That all comes under aftercare and engaging in aftercare has shown to prevent relapse. Because of which we suggest taking aftercare planning as seriously as you take the treatment program.
The road to recovery may be a long one, and joining treatment programs may seem scary. But it is not impossible and is also the best and safest way to gain your life back rather than undergoing any other treatment or detoxification on your own. Just remember to trust your healthcare provider and, now that you know what to expect, you can join treatment programs that are tailored to fit you in all ways without fearing an unknown future.