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- What is Felching?
- Causes of Felching | Why Do People Felch and Does Felching Feel Good?
- Health risks involved with felching
- Preventive measures or Treatments to be taken for felching
- Conclusion on Felching
- Frequently Asked Questions about Felching
- 1. Is it only gay guys that do felching?
- 2. Which gender is felching more popular?
- 3. How do one Felch?
- 4. Is felching the same with rimming?
- 5. Is Felching Safe and healthy?
The process of taking semen from the anus and transporting it to one's mouth with one's hands or other items, including the penis itself, is referred to as felching.
When you hear the word felching, you might think it's simply another pleasant sex act between two consenting adults, but it can be considerably more hazardous if done wrong.
In this post, we'll discuss what felching is, how it's done, and why some people do it, as well as the potential health dangers and the best ways to treat it if you choose to do it nevertheless.
What is Felching?
Felching is a sexual act that includes sucking or swallowing sperm from someone's anus, rectum, or vagina.
It is also known as anal sex or anilingus, and it is the oral and anal sex act in which a person stimulates another's anus by using the mouth, including the lips, tongue, or teeth. It is also known as anal–oral contact and anal–oral sex and other slang terms.
While this behaviour may appear to be harmless, it can pose several health dangers, as well as difficulties from sexually transmitted infections (STDs).
If you or someone you know is felching, read the information below and contact your doctor if you have any concerns about your safety or sexual health.
Causes of Felching | Why Do People Felch and Does Felching Feel Good?
Whether or not felching feels enjoyable is dependent on why couples do it. Sharing bodily fluids outside of traditional penetrative intercourse provides an extraordinary sensation of closeness for many people.
You (or your spouse) are physically swallowing your bodily fluids that have been placed within another person. "The deepest fulfilment is when he cums within me and then goes back down and licks every nook and cranny," one forum user said.
In terms of how it feels physically if a partner utilizes a straw as a felching tube, there won't be much feeling if your buttocks and vag are being dug.
If they use their mouth, though, you may feel greater pleasure merely because of the location and movement of their tongue and lips against the opening containing the sperm.
One forum user described creampie felching for his wife as follows: "Most of the time, we utilize my lips and tongue to wipe my wife off... I collapse on my wife, devour her creampie, and lick her clean. It also frequently results in her having two or three additional orgasms and round 2 within 10-15 minutes."
- For some men, felching helps them clean their partner after sex while adding pleasure to the mix, but it also allows the male to get through his refractory phase in preparation for another performance.
- The most common cause of felching or anilingus is a sexual urge for oral-anal stimulation. People opt to conduct anilingus for a variety of reasons.
- It is sometimes thought to be done for health concerns. It is also said to be utilized for medicinal or cleansing reasons.
- If you have haemorrhoids and are susceptible to infections, oral sex may be advantageous due to its sanitary features, according to some.
- Sometimes it's done for pure enjoyment. As part of their normal sexual activity, some couples love felching on each other.
- Finally, some men and women do it for shock value—they may want to try something new or they may want to experiment with fetishes that society considers forbidden.
In most circumstances, there isn't anyone reason why someone might participate in felching; rather, such behaviours are motivated by a variety of factors.
There are no precise causes of felching because of these diverse circumstances.
However, if you believe your desire to perform anilingus is motivated by a physical ailment or mental disorder, you should speak with your doctor about your worries so he or she can assist you in receiving the correct treatment.
If you decide to continue participating in anilingus, your doctor will be able to advise you on how to best prevent infection.
Health risks involved with felching
Despite what some may argue, there are several health hazards associated with felching. Because of the microorganisms that may enter your circulation through your anus, you are more likely to get a sexually transmitted illness such as HIV or hepatitis B or C.
Furthermore, if the faecal matter comes into touch with an open wound in your mouth—or if you ingest any faecal matter—you are at risk of getting bacterial illnesses such as salmonella and E. coli.
Anilingus is a rare sexual behaviour, yet it may be exceedingly dangerous to your health.
Felching, whether performed by an individual on himself or herself or between two consenting adults, has been linked to a variety of negative health consequences, including:
- Infections that are caused by bacteria.
- Skin-to-skin contact with faeces can promote bacterial development and dissemination in the vaginal/rectal area.
- E. coli and other aquatic microorganisms are the most common cause of these diseases.
- Hepatitis — Because faecal matter includes traces of blood that might transmit hepatitis viruses, the risk of developing hepatitis through anal intercourse is substantially higher than through oral sex.
- HIV/AIDS — Although less common than hepatitis, HIV, and AIDS have been transmitted through anal intercourse. Though it is unclear how these illnesses are transmitted during anal intercourse, others assume it is through touch with excrement or other body fluids.
- Faecal incontinence —You may develop faecal incontinence after felching as a result of internal tears in your rectum or anus. This ailment causes uncontrolled excrement leaking from your anus even if you don't feel the need to go.
- Haemorrhoids — If you currently have haemorrhoids, anal intercourse might make them worse and cause you to bleed more frequently. Furthermore, contracting an STI during anal intercourse might raise your chance of getting haemorrhoids.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) — This bacterial illness is caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea, which are easily spread during anal intercourse due to the abundance of germs in faeces. If left untreated, PID can cause pelvic discomfort, fever, infertility, and even death.
- Cancer of the prostate — While it is unclear how prostate cancer starts or spreads, certain studies have found that men who participate in anilingus on themselves or others have a greater chance of acquiring prostate cancer than those who do not engage in these sorts of sexual behaviours. However, further study is needed before any solid conclusions concerning a relationship between prostate cancer and felching can be drawn.
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs) — If you have a UTI after having anal intercourse, it might be because faeces got into your urethra. Furthermore, if you already have frequent UTIs or other bladder problems, such as incontinence, anal intercourse may aggravate your symptoms by allowing faecal matter to enter your urethra even when you don't feel the urge to go.
- Other complexities — Rectal haemorrhage, diarrhoea, and nausea have all been recorded as felching consequences. These are generally minor adverse effects that may be managed at home with over-the-counter drugs. However, if they last more than a few days or become severe enough to interfere with your everyday life, you should see your doctor right once to discuss your treatment options.
Preventive measures or Treatments to be taken for felching
There are several precautions you may take to lower your chances of developing an STD. When having sexual intercourse, use a condom and practise safe sex.
Only have intercourse with someone who has tested negative for STDs, including HIV.
Although not perfect, practising safer sex will greatly minimize your risk of contracting an STD.
It's also crucial to note that condoms don't protect against all STDs; if you or your partner have several partners, you should wear condoms every time.
Also, be mindful of any wounds or sores on your or your partner's genitals—these may increase your risk of infection if they come into touch with another person's body fluids.
If you've been diagnosed with an STD, talk to a doctor about your treatment choices. Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial illnesses such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
However, viral infections, such as HIV, cannot be treated with antibiotics; anti-retroviral medication is required to avoid progression to AIDS.
Even if you are not sick, it is critical to practice safe sex every time you engage in sexual activity.
This minimizes your chances of developing an STD while also protecting your companion from becoming sick.
During vaginal or anal intercourse, condoms should always be worn. They should also be worn during oral intercourse if either partner has sores or injuries on their genitals or mouth since this lowers your chance of catching STDs transmitted by bodily fluids, such as HIV.
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Conclusion on Felching
Anilingus and felching are not inherently hazardous. They can, however, progress to more dangerous types of anal intercourse.
An infection, for example, can result from an anilingus if you have wounds or sores in your mouth that come into touch with your partner's anus.
If you exchange devices without cleaning them between uses— or if you don't use condoms during anal sex— you run the danger of contracting sexually transmitted illnesses.
As previously said, it is critical to maintain yourself clean during felching to avoid being ill.
Always wash your hands completely before and after having oral intercourse with your lover.
It may seem apparent, but if you're going to eat out your partner's butthole, make sure it's clean!
Do not attempt to go down on someone who has diarrhoea or has not recently bathed.
If you have an underlying health condition that might be worse by receiving or providing an anilingus, you should be tested for STDs before indulging in any type of anal intercourse.
However, if your partner has a history of anal intercourse without protection, this might result in sexually transmitted infections.
For example, HPV (human papillomavirus) can be spread during anal intercourse with someone who already has HPV; unprotected anal sex can also lead to hepatitis.
If you have any worries about your own or your partner's health, see your doctor before indulging in any anilingus or felching activity.
Frequently Asked Questions about Felching
1. Is it only gay guys that do felching?
According to studies, felching appears to be a prevalent habit among specific subpopulations of males who have sex with men.
2. Which gender is felching more popular?
Felching is more prevalent among homosexual guys.
3. How do one Felch?
Felching is something that many people associate with vomiting. To them, it's ejaculating into someone's anus and then sucking or licking it out (we know what you're thinking!). For me, it is weird and gross!
4. Is felching the same with rimming?
Rimming (analingus) occurs when you externally or internally lick your partner's anus. This is an unavoidable element of traditional felching, particularly if you don't have a straw and you lapping at the semen with your tongue.
5. Is Felching Safe and healthy?
It can be safe, depending on the circumstances of each participant, but felching poses the danger of unintended pregnancy if done vaginally and can result in STD or STI transmission between couples if done via any orifice.
To properly felch, you must participate in penetrative intercourse without the use of a condom.
This indicates that all of the hazards associated with STDs, STIs, or pregnancy may be present (unless it's anal, in which case there is no chance of pregnancy). So you should talk to your doctor about what to do before, during, and after felching.