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The eyes are very important to us. Without them, our quality of life would suffer. They are sensitive and complex organs that need various vitamins and nutrients to work properly. Conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration, can impact your vision.
To help your eyes function at their best as you age, you need to consider your nutrient intake and know the best vitamins to take to improve your eye health. Though other factors can affect the functionality of your eyes, the right nutrients will reduce their impact.
That said, here are some key nutrients that you should take to improve your eye health.
1. Vitamin A
Also known as Beta Carotene, these vitamins are very good for your vision. They play a vital role in your vision by helping your cornea remain clear. Your cornea is the outside covering of your eye.
When your body lacks vitamin A, your eyes and tear ducts will dry out and you will be at a higher risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Additionally, a lack of vitamin A can lead to a condition known as xerophthalmia, which is an eye disease that progresses, beginning with night blindness.
For your eye health, eat vitamin A-rich foods or take a daily dose of a multivitamin. Note that vitamins are not just for your eyes. There are plenty of other benefits you can expect from vitamins that you can read here.
2. B Vitamins
B vitamins are mainly produced in the gastrointestinal tract. However, digestive problems, anxiety, stress, and more can quickly deplete them. When combined, these vitamins can lower the levels of homocysteine and reduce the risk of developing AMD. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine helps in boosting energy levels, improves muscle contraction, and protects nerve endings.
Lack of vitamin B1 can lead to blurry vision, eye muscle weakness and can cause the eye to tremble. This vitamin also protects the eye’s nerves and reduces inflammation. Lack of vitamin B2 or Riboflavin can cause sensitivity to light, irritation, fatigue, and eye redness.
Vitamins B2, C, E, and Selenium help in reducing the risk of Cataracts. B2 also acts as an antioxidant that protects the eye from free radical damage. Lack of Cobalamin or vitamin B12 can cause painless vision loss and reduced color vision.
3. Vitamins E and C
Several eye conditions are associated with an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in your body, also known as oxidative stress. To protect your cell, including eye cells from damage, you should increase your vitamin E intake.
This vitamin can help prevent age-related eye problems and maintain proper eye health. On the other hand, you need vitamin C to make collagen, which provides structure to your eye. Vitamin C also lowers the risk of developing cataracts.
Other key nutrients that you should take for your eye health include omega 3 fatty acids, Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Remember, to prevent future eye problems, support optimal vision and keep the whole body healthy, complement your supplements with whole foods.
Wrapping It Up
These essential vitamins for the eyes and nutrients will improve your eye health and slow down or prevent the slow progression of several different eye conditions. Get the right supplements and maintain a healthy and balanced diet for optimal vision and overall better health.