The Ketogenic diet has fast become immensely popular throughout the western world. Followed by athletes, celebrities, and the general public alike, it takes determination and resilience, particularly when cutting out the carbs and sugars that most of us enjoy so much. It can, however, have some adverse side effects. For some people, certain specific diets can be a good way to lose weight, whereas for others, particularly those who have underlying medical conditions, they can be highly detrimental.
However, a quick word of caution before we get stuck in: be sure to always seek medical advice when you are drastically changing your diet, as it can have a huge impact on your whole body and lifestyle. If you find you are given incorrect information that is consequently harmful to you, then reach out to a medical malpractice lawyer based in Long Island.
What is the Keto Diet?
The Ketogenic Diet started out as a means to aid with epilepsy control and relies on the consumption of large amounts of fats, and minimal carbohydrates, to put the body into a state known as ketosis. This can help a person lose weight quickly, particularly if there is a high level of ketones in the blood.
Diabetic Danger
For those with Diabetes, the Keto Diet may not be suitable. While this is truer for those with Type 1 Diabetes, problems can also arise for those with Type 2. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a serious condition caused by too many ketones in the blood. These are stored up and can lead to a Diabetic coma, liver, kidney, and brain damage, and even death.
Although this condition usually affects those with Diabetes, it has been known to affect those with no pre-existing condition, which means anyone could be vulnerable to severe health defects.
Thankfully, there are some initial warning signs of ketoacidosis, such as a dry mouth and increasingly bad breath.
Possible Link to Disorder
While the Keto Diet has been touted as able to help those with Anorexia Nervosa due to it making the body feel like it’s in starvation mode, this diet may also trigger episodes of Orthorexia Nervosa in some people. Due to the restrictiveness of the diet, users need to monitor what they eat, and how much.
This monitoring can be a signifier of Orthorexia, which is categorized as a compulsion to strictly monitor any consumption to ensure that all food is healthy. So, while a Keto Diet may be good for some, for those with a history of mental health problems or eating disorders it can be detrimental to their overall physical health and mental wellbeing.
These two examples are not an extensive list of the issues surrounding the keto diet. The high calorific content of fatty foods can also leave followers feeling hungry and unfulfilled, and the journey to ketosis can also make people feel lethargic. On top of this, the high fat content can cause problems with the heart and cholesterol.
Overall, it is best to speak to a trained medical professional before engaging in any form of weight loss or diet, especially if you have other conditions. They should be able to give you expert advice and ensure that the foods you are eating, and amounts, will not cause other problems to occur.