- Psychotic Depression
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Postnatal Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Major Depression
- Persistent Depressive Disorder
- Final Words
With all the news going on and all the current events that are happening worldwide, depression and anxiety rates have skyrocketed. But that's not the only cause of depression.
Anything from a bad childhood to a difficult situation at work to the death of a loved one can cause depression. And while therapy is often a great form of treatment, newly available treatments such as ketamine infusion therapy in Chicago's North Shore show promising results when treating various depression and anxiety disorders.
Depression can be a circumstantial dip in serotonin production that can sometimes naturally aid itself. However, when it comes to depression disorders, it is crucial to seek medical advice regarding suitable treatment as soon as possible. These are the six different types of depression, and they all require medical treatment.
Psychotic Depression
High levels of stress commonly cause this type, and another leading cause is genetics. Symptoms can be somewhat scary as people who suffer from this form of depression often see things that don't exist or hear voices that are not there. Paranoia is common with this form of depression as well.
Treatment involves using antidepressants and antipsychotic medications to reduce the symptoms.
Another option is electroconvulsive therapy, which is classified as a safe treatment.
This form of depression can be dangerous if left untreated for long enough. It can lead to schizophrenia, a disorder known to coerce patients to become uncontrollable and unpredictable. But that usually only occurs if it's left untreated for an extended period.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Abbreviated as (SAD), this form of depression usually starts when the seasons change; the sudden and ongoing lack of natural sunlight and warmth affects the patient.
Most commonly seen during winter and ending during the beginning of spring, common symptoms include overeating, a constant feeling of being tired, an insatiable craving for carbohydrates, social withdrawal, and depression. Seasonal affective depression disorder requires medical treatment.
Treatment can often include light therapy, which replicates the sun and counseling along with antidepressants. Although most people will feel a little unhappy when their favorite season changes, that's normal; if you feel depleted for an extended period when the weather changes, you need to seek professional help as it can lead to other forms of depression.
Postnatal Depression
This type of depression affects mothers of newborn babies. It can be difficult for the child's father and other family members and friends to understand. This form of depression can also affect the baby as the mother will not fully function. Because babies are susceptible to their mothers, the newborns' growth rate can also be negatively impacted if the mother suffers without treatment for extended periods.
Postnatal depression is triggered by changes in the hormones of the mother. The new mom will start feeling all kinds of negative thoughts, such as not being good enough to nurture the child, concerns for the child's normality, and various other unwanted thoughts.
Treatment is usually given by antidepressants and reassurance from family and friends that the mother is good enough to look after the baby; if left unchecked, major depression may occur later in life, which can be severe. Another form of treatment is hormone therapy.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, which is also known as manic depressive disorder, is a highly complex form of depression as its symptoms include feelings of sudden depression for a short time and sudden happiness or excitement for a short time.
A condition called mania can be severe if left unchecked; this causes extreme excitement and lack of judgment. One sad fact about this form of depression is it shows the highest rate of suicide amongst diagnosed patients.
Bipolar disorder can emerge from living with a relative who suffers from bipolar and extreme stress at any time in life. Drug and alcohol abuse is another common cause. However, genetics can also be the culprit. This form of depression occurs when there is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
Psychological counseling and therapy, as well as mood-altering medication, are used to treat this condition.
Major Depression
Professionally known as clinical depression, symptoms are usually bouts of depression that last for two weeks and a lack of excitement from what used to make the patient happy. A general lack of wanting to be alive and unwanted thoughts or suicidal thoughts are other common symptoms. Not sleeping or oversleeping is another symptom of major depression.
This form of depression can affect every aspect of your life as your bouts of depression go on for a more extended period. And it is often misunderstood by employees and family. Treatment involves antidepressants and counseling.
Women are more at risk of developing major depression from the hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. However, genetics, drug and alcohol abuse, and experiencing physical or emotional abuse can also enhance risks of developing clinical depression for individuals of any age and gender.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent depressive disorder is one of the most complex forms of depression to treat as it is considered chronic and similar to clinical depression. The patient will experience symptoms for a long time, if not lifelong. Traumatic life events early in childhood are a common cause, and abuse at any age is a known cause of this form of depression.
However, there are treatments available for a persistent depressive disorder that show promising results for numerous patients. If you are experiencing the symptoms of this type of depression, you may need to devote yourself to lifelong medical treatment.
Final Words
Although modern medicine has seen many breakthroughs in understanding mental health, and social media has made a massive impact with campaigns that shine a light on mental health awareness, many individuals suffering from depression avoid treatment for various reasons. As a result, more individuals are speaking out and seeking help.
If you or anyone in your circle of family, friends, and acquaintances is suffering from any form of depression, it is crucial to seek immediate medical advice. The longer depression disorders are left, the higher the risk of developing additional mental health conditions.
Unfortunately, the risk of suicide also increases the longer depression is left untreated.
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