- What is Cystitis, Actually?
- How Long Until I Can Have An Intercourse?
- How to Communicate with your Partner
- Take Breaks
In essence, cystitis is an irritated or inflamed bladder. It has become that for one of a number of possible reasons. Intercourse can be painful to the point of being impossible if you have it depending on the extent, to which inflammation or irritation has become exacerbated. Does this mean we should give up sex for good? No! Here is how to reconcile sex and cystitis.
What is Cystitis, Actually?
Cystitis is a urological condition that is much more common among women than men. In fact, it is virtually unheard of in men, which is due to the anatomical differences between the sexes. Doctors believe the bacterial infection is a common cause of this condition, which occurs when bacteria migrate from the anus to the vagina. The distance between the two is very short in women, which would be one reason men suffer from cystitis so rarely.
That said, bacterial infection shouldn’t be automatically assumed, although it often is. Long-term studies have shown that the use of antibiotics does not relieve symptoms of cystitis. These include a painful, burning sensation during urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, more specifically penetration, or foul-smelling vaginal discharge, and more. Sometimes, more than one symptom is present.
How Long Until I Can Have An Intercourse?
You can’t (shouldn’t!) have sex when the symptoms are most severe, which is in the first few days, up to one week. If you simply must have some type of intercourse, limit yourself to receiving and giving oral sex or stimulation by hand. Cystitis should not be self-medicated as it can become chronic, and then it can persist over months, even years. It’s important to take measures as soon as you experience the first symptoms.
The first step is getting your urine tested for bacteria. If you test positive, you should be relieved. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics and the issue will most likely be resolved in up to a week. Do not agree to take antibiotics if bacteria haven’t been found in your urine even if your doctor says something like, “The reason for the problem is e.coli 95% of the time.” If you had them, they’d show up in the urine. Taking antibiotics weakens the immune system, so they’ll do you only harm in the absence of bacterial infection.
Going without sex for a week isn’t a problem in itself. Sadly and as you may know, symptoms can persist for far longer. This fact begs the question: Do I have to give sex up for good?
How to Communicate with your Partner
Your partner should be aware of your problem and painful symptoms, especially if he is male. Choose days when your symptoms aren’t that bad and do not skip the foreplay so that you’re as wet as possible. Sometimes, though, even if you’ve come before penetration, your vagina remains dry deeper down. Then, both partners experience discomfort. It’s possible for the man to get a burn from the friction. To avoid this, use gentle, pH-balanced lubricant. Pour a generous amount and wait for a minute before penetration. On that note, penetration should be gradual and careful, not a forceful thrust as can normally be the case and which would be great if you didn’t have cystitis. Take your time and don’t rush things. Both of you need to be patient for the sex to be pleasurable.
Take Breaks
It’s also recommended to switch things up in the bedroom. I know this might sound weird but I just can’t resist: blessed are women with cystitis whose men don’t last long in bed. It is the one time that this is an advantage because you might get sore after a few minutes of intercourse. If your man normally lasts longer, though, it’s advisable to take breaks and do something else for a while, like oral sex or fingering or just watch some good porn before returning to penetration.
Could changing things up in the bedroom include anal sex? A lot of men would suggest it as “an alternative.” You might be tempted to consent, but we beg to differ from most men. Symptoms of cystitis often involve pain in and around the anus, particularly after prolonged sitting or while doing number 2. This is because the infection or other process affects not only your urinary tract but also the digestive tract from start to finish. This explains why symptoms of cystitis are often accompanied by the stomach or abdominal pain.
Even if you don’t have digestive-tract associated pain, we’d advise staying away from anal sex. If you still want to try, use good, high-quality lubricant just as with vaginal sex or take a look at 3 Tips for Using a Prostate Massager.
No matter how long your symptoms last, our tips will ensure that you don’t give sex up. Ideally, you still shouldn’t do it more often than once every ten days, at least until the issue resolves completely.